Two Years Later: Where Are We Now? (Part 3)

Read the series.

When I first heard of the concept of COVID-19 lockdowns in the United States, including effectively closing down many churches, my first thought was how many lives this would cost—not save.


Why Transhumanism Is Fundamentally Wrong


“Transhumanism is far from a household term, but, whether or not they use the word publicly, its adherents are in places of power…. Elon Musk, the world’s richest person, is devoted to boosting ‘cognition’ and co-founded the company Neuralink toward that end.” - Slate


The Manly Virtue of Magnanimity


“I don’t mean that magnanimity is unique to men or that women are not also called to this trait. After all, Witherspoon calls it a Christian virtue. But I do think magnanimity is a virtue particularly befitting to manhood, and that manhood bereft of magnanimity is especially lamentable.” - DeYoung


Ukraine’s Evangelical Seminaries Plead for Help


“ ‘How much longer, Lord?’ and ‘God, break the bones of my enemy’ now equal hallelujahs as leaders ask for advocacy and assistance, lamenting the silence by Russian Christians.” - C.Today


What Does Paul Mean By “Quarrelsome”?


“Paul instructs Timothy, ‘And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil’ (2 Timothy 2:24; cf 1 Tim 3:3). Let’s focus briefly on the requirement to ‘not be quarrelsome.’” - 9 Marks


Barna: 56% of Christians Feel Their Spiritual Life Is Entirely Private


“This majority of Christians is less likely to say it is very important to see progress in their spiritual life (30% say progress is important vs. 54% of those who don’t consider their faith private), less likely to say their faith is very important in their life today (45% vs. 66% agree strongly) and less likely to have weekly time with God (51% vs. 66%).” - Barna
