On (BJU) Bible Conference


“Last week was the annual Bible Conference at Bob Jones University. It occurred to me that it was my 50th Bible Conference, and that milestone led to some reminiscing.” - Olinger


How Do You Decide Who’s Right?

One of the ways the Greek rhetors of old used to classify arguments was under the headings of ethos, pathos, and logos.1 Ethos referred to character and credibility: arguments appealing to one’s reputation, standing, experience, expertise, and trustworthiness. 2 Pathos referred to longings, drives, appetites—and what we today call emotions. Logos had to do mainly with facts and reasoning.


How Valuable to Me Is My Bible Today?


“In the spring of 1800, after six long years of saving, the day at last arrived when enough small coins lay in the rude box to afford a Bible. But now the challenge was to locate one. Her father had no idea where to look.” - Mark Minnick


Why so Serious? Learning to Laugh at Yourself


“I put the mic down to adjust my notes and then started back up with the talk. After about 30 seconds, I looked down and … I was talking into a water bottle like it was a microphone. The audience burst out in laughter and all I could do was smile and join them.” - C.Leaders


How the Trinity Helps Us in Our Suffering, Part 1

You may be thinking, why start a series on knowing God through suffering with the most abstract and difficult doctrine known to Christians? Why not start with something simpler, like mercy or faithfulness? All in due time.


Dealing with Doubt, Part 1: The Joy of Doubting


“I’ve written before about an experience I had while in seminary, when I doubted the Biggest Thing Ever—whether there’s a God, and whether any of this is true. Doubt is an important part of growing up.” - Olinger
