How Did the Apostle Paul Stand for His Rights?


“Paul made no demands. He used his rights to protect himself on the one occasion and to protect the church on the other. His manner, however, suggests that he most of all tried not to make waves, then chose to make appeals when all other resources failed.” - Don Johnson


Is Biblical Counseling Anti-Science?


“Terms of derision are often used to dismiss others or the beliefs they espouse. Their use is, at its root, intellectual laziness. Rather than building a reasoned case for disagreement (or seeking a clearer understanding of the opposing idea), an epithet is launched to ‘settle’ the disagreement.” - GARBC


Students walk out at West Virginia public school after ‘Christian revival’ service


Students “were told by their teacher to go to an evangelical Christian revival assembly. When students arrived at the event in the school’s auditorium, they were instructed to close their eyes and raise their arms in prayer… were asked to give their lives over to Jesus to find purpose and salvation.” - NPR


Amazon Primes a Sunday Work Dilemma


“Amazon’s seven-days-a-week schedule has already led to two lawsuits from drivers who were fired for not working on Sundays. Both claimed religious discrimination under Title VII” - C.Today


God is no Luddite, and We Need Not Be Either


“a Neo-Luddite outlook assumes that technology, not human nature, is responsible for the world’s evils. This, too, is on the rise … the idea that humanity’s ancestors lived in a state of harmonious bliss with the Earth and each other. This doesn’t just miss the point: It encourages a quixotic fight against humanity’s tools, while ignoring their souls.” - Breakpoint


Nothing Like a Millionaire: For What Are You Known?

Reposted from Rooted Thinking.

William Borden was famous.1 His parents were millionaires. They were prominent members of the Moody Church in Chicago. The newspapers of the early 1900s reported on young Borden’s activities. Every door of opportunity swung open for this privileged youth.


Newly certified Best Christian Workplaces


“In spite of the Great Resignation, these organizations have engaged their employees, nurtured healthy teams, and inspired their staff to do great work. These results are based on exemplary ratings provided by employees who completed BCWI’s Employee Engagement Survey.” - RNS
