Help! I’m Worried I Can’t Finish My Work in Time


“only God accomplishes everything he sets out to do. He’s the only one with the wisdom and power to complete his work according to his plan and in his intended timing.” - TGC


The Scarcity of True Friendly Fire


“In other words, a person who seems as though he is criticizing his ingroup is often actually criticizing the outgroup he looks down on the most—the one closest to him.” - Ben Edwards


Theological schools report continued drop in master of divinity graduates


“chief operation officer of The Association of Theological Schools, noted that overall enrollment at ATS schools has remained stable and that the master of divinity degree isn’t dying. Instead, he said, the M.A. degree is appealing to more students.” - RNS


Contentment Is the True Measure of Godliness


“The false idea that prosperity brings contentment is nothing new. Paul warned Timothy and the church at Ephesus about false teachers—first-century equivalents to modern prosperity theology proponents” - Randy Alcorn


Making Thanksgiving Real (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

In our quest to make Thanksgiving real, we left off by thinking about ways to ground our Thanksgiving in Scripture, following the example of the very Pilgrims who left this treasure as a heritage to our entire nation. The next challenge I would offer is to ground our Thanksgiving in history—primarily the history of these same Pilgrims.
