Does 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 Apply to Social Media?


“There are times when I might need to confront a brother in Christ, but Is this communication something I want the entire world to see? …Am I including people in this conversation that really have no business being there?” - Kevin


Screen Sabbaths: A Modest Proposal for a Digital World


“if Christians are going to heed the summons of Romans 12:2 in a smartphone age…we will need to do more than resist the false content on our phones. We will need to resist the false gravitational presence our phones so subtly exert upon us.” - Desiring God


Making Thanksgiving Real (Part 1)

In these strange new “perilous times” (2 Tim. 3:1), it takes an awful lot to shock us. An unexpected trend has emerged, however, that is so unthinkably disturbing that we hate to even fathom it. It involves pushing a random stranger down onto subway tracks, or even in front of an oncoming train.

If more evidence were needed for the depraved nature of man, I am not sure where it could come from. But this is not mere depravity—it is a form of debauchery and degradation that only occurs in the final stages of cultural descent.


What the Bible Says to the Jaded and Discouraged


“Christmas season is the season of joy, but it is also a time when the cumulative weight of all that has happened in the course of the year catches up with you. Moving into the last month of the year often causes a sense of being worn out, discouraged, or stretched thin.” - Colin Smith
