Seven Ways to Leave a Church Well


“Churchgoers are not members of a country club, but rather members of the body of Christ. We should therefore stamp this image upon our hearts. If you feel called to leave a local church, here are seven things to do to ensure you leave it in the right way.” - Facts & Trends


Mark Dever joins Southern Baptist Theological Seminary faculty


“During convocation, Mohler announced the inauguration of two endowed faculty positions featuring central figures in both the Southern Baptist Convention and Southern Seminary: Mark Dever as the Duke K. McCall Professor of Pastoral Leadership and Robert L. Plummer as the Collin and Evelyn Aikman Professor of Biblical Studies.” - BPNews


College Board Nixes Plan for SAT ‘Adversity Scores’


“The College Board has abandoned its plan to augment students’ SAT scores with an adversity score, a metric designed to control for privilege in the admissions process, after enduring months of criticism from educators and parents.” - National Review


Where’s the Line Between Helpful Info-Sharing and Office Gossip?


“Before you pass on information about someone, consider honestly both your own motivation and the potential result of your sharing. Will this lead to greater understanding and empathy between people, or will it separate them unnecessarily?” - TGC


Does Ephesians 5:21 teach mutual submission?


“This view of mutual submission means that a husband is not in fact called to be the leader of his family nor is a wife called to follow her husband’s leadership. So which interpretation is right?” - Denny Burk


Is My Job the Problem? Or Am I Just Discontented?


“So how can we discern the root of our discontentment? Is it one of the ways we image God as we cultivate his world? Sinful preoccupation with our own comfort and status? Frustration with brokenness and a desire to reknit the fabric of creation?” - TGC
