How to Enjoy Your Crazy Life


“Enjoying the fruits of your labor is a godly approach, not a godless one. Why? Because it recognizes that God himself gave you your income and material resources for this purpose.” - Thomas Overmiller


Why We Need a Children’s Book About Death


“Four years ago, Jonny and I wouldn’t have chosen to read this book to our son, either. We certainly wouldn’t have chosen for its story to become a reality in Ben’s world.” - TGC


Bible Minor Class Videos Available for Free Online


“Cedarville University is now making the courses from its Bible minor program available online at no charge. The first course, Old Testament Literature taught by Dr. Chris Miller, is currently online.” - GARBC


On science and scientism


“Even the decision to embark on the scientific enterprise is underpinned by something preceding the scientific method: the reasonable conviction that there is truth, we can know it, and, above all, that it is good to know the difference between truth and error.” - Acton


Does Scripture teach that cremation is an acceptable practice for believers?

The use of cremation is a practice that seems to be becoming more common and more accepted among believers. Does Scripture teach that cremation is an acceptable practice for believers?

Poll Results

Does Scripture teach that cremation is an acceptable practice for believers?


Love Your Enemies, Even on Social Media


“Union Seminary’s actions deserve criticism; confessing and praying to plants is full-on paganism and should be named as such. But deserving criticism and even denunciation does not supersede Jesus’ commands to speak and act charitably nor undo Paul’s admonition found in Ephesians 5 where followers of Christ are commanded to ‘walk in love, as Christ loved us.’” - John Ellis
