Favorite Smart Phone Apps.

I finally retired the flip phone and entered this millennium. Yes, I got a smart phone. When my mom who is in her 70’s is frustrated with me because I am not as “connected” with her (she has had a smart phone for years) as her other kids are, that tells me I waited too long. I figure this should at least help me to text more effectively with the the people I minister to.


A Time for Trade Schools


“Although college might be a road that some students enjoy, higher education is not an infallible route toward financial stability, nor is it the sole route toward a meaningful and profitable career.” - Intellectual Takeout


San Diego jury awards $300K in workplace religious discrimination suit


“It should go without saying, in the year 2019, that supervisors should not push their religious beliefs on subordinates in the workplace. Instead, by every statistical measure, workplace religious harassment and discrimination remains a significant problem.


Is Marijuana Ever Okay for Christians?


Podcast: “Pastors Joshua Ryan Butler and Thomas Terry … agree that while the Bible never mentions marijuana, it does prohibit intoxication. If one hit of marijuana makes you high, there’s no way to smoke it and obey the Bible’s commands against drunkenness.” - TGC


Evangelicals aren’t ‘climate deniers’


“These are people who either believe that the warming is not predominantly caused by humans or that it does not pose catastrophic problems to our environment. They are better described as ‘climate realists’ or ‘climate skeptics.’” - Cornwall Alliance


The Excellent Christian: Philippians 1:9-11


A. In 1982 a book appeared in the United States that revolutionized thinking about the way American corporations are run and the way business should be done in our country. That one book sold more than 6,000,000 copies and spawned a new effort to make business more effective and productive.

B. The book was In Search of Excellence by Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr.
