Is There Any Heavenly Good in Our Earthly Labor?


“I never thought of anything I did at Woolworth’s as accomplishing anything truly good. I was certain such labor was far from heavenly. My perspective was: “This work stinks!” (And many nights, it literally did because of the volume of trash.) …Looking back on that first job, I wish I had grasped at least one or two heavenly threads about our human labor.” - TIFWE


The fake news police: Who fact-checks Facebook’s fact-checkers?


“The report [by law firm Covington & Burling] did not present any case studies to support those concerns, so WORLD examined one specific bias claim in an attempt to see how Facebook’s fact-checkers work. Before we get to our analysis, though, it’s important to understand the power Facebook has.” - WORLD


Handling Controversy With Rules of Persuasion


“No matter the theological issue, we can be sure that a litany of quick-fire responses often only exacerbate the issue for those who are in need of biblical instruction and theologically nuanced clarity. To that end, I would suggest that the antiquarian tripartite modes of persuasion (i.e.


Organic Food, Essential Oils, and the Gospel of Grace


“A dear friend of mine in women’s ministry tells me of a few passionate pleas she received to lead Bible studies on healthy eating. But does the Bible really tell us enough about what we should eat for a whole course? And do we have a right as believers to tell others what is the more biblical menu option?” - Cornwall Alliance


Why Transhumanists’ Quest for Earthly Immortality is Misguided


“Followers active in the movement, like Kurzweil, take an unfathomable number of nutritional supplements each day. Those supplements supposedly slow the aging process, allowing time for science to kick in and enable transhumanists to achieve immortality. Some transhumanists believe their consciousness will be uploaded into a machine or a new body” - Intellectual Takeout


Trusting the Good News in the Age of Fake News


“Trust is a fundamental social capital, and as Christians we should lament its decline. But even as the integrity of our news outlets seems to erode before our very eyes—even as we are inundated with fake news—we must never let our faith waiver regarding what we know to be reliable, trustworthy, and true: The Gospel.” - Ref21


8 Elements Common to Answered Prayers

Reposted from The Cripplegate.

Eos fell in love with the mortal man, Tithonus, and asked Zeus to make him immortal. Zeus granted the request—with a catch. Eos forgot to specify her request as wanting eternal youth for her beau. So Tithonus did live forever but kept aging until he was so old that he couldn’t move or think and just lay still, babbling in dementia forever.


Your work is more than your job


“Our work… ought to be seen as the service that we are called to do for others, whether we are paid for it or not. This view of work leads to a truer and healthier framework for approaching the various demands of jobs, spouses, children, parents, friends, and neighbors.” - Acton
