New Research: Happy Couples Know How to Argue Well


“ ‘Happy couples tend to take a solution-oriented approach to conflict, and this is clear even in the topics that they choose to discuss….The researchers also found that the longer people were married, the fewer arguments they had, suggesting that over time couples had learned that some topics were simply not worth addressing.” - Church Leaders


Carpe Diem Redeemed


“As Christians, we often acknowledge Christ’s rule over things like human dignity, marriage, and maybe even our finances, but we often miss how central a Christian view of time is to a truly Christian worldview. Thus, we often find our time hijacked, assumed, taken for granted, killed, wasted, and even forgotten.” - Breakpoint


When You Want to Stay at Home with Kids But Can’t


“Because you would rather stay home with your children—which is a great desire—your work outside of the home may feel more like a ‘have to’ than a ‘want to’ or a ‘get to.’ And that sort of situation can be the breeding ground for contempt and bitterness…So, what can you do about it? I think you have two options.


What Is the Gospel? The Power and Peril of Short Gospel Definitions

At some point during my tenure as a pastor at Grace Baptist, I decided I needed a succinct, memorable expression of the gospel—a phrase I could repeat frequently in a variety of contexts until members of the flock would recall it reflexively.

What I came up with is pretty much straight from 1 Corinthians 15:1-4: The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ died for sinners and rose again.


A Pastor Dies By Suicide: Three Things We All Need to Know


“I received the below question, which is often asked concerning this issue: ‘If a minister confides to leaders in his church that they are contemplating suicide, do you think their ministry is over?’ I responded that it depends on the church. Unfortunately, we all know that would be disqualifying a lot of churches.” - Christianity Today


The problem of living inside echo chambers


“When a person gets all their news and political arguments from Facebook and all their Facebook friends share their political views, they’re in an epistemic bubble. They hear arguments and evidence only from their side of the political spectrum. …An echo chamber leads its members to distrust everybody on the outside of that chamber.
