How Romanticism Encouraged the Decline of Marriage


“[R]omanticism … regards the emotional bond within marriage as an end in itself, the principal meaning of the relationship and the basis for its permanency. And its emergence two centuries ago marked the beginning of the slide toward singlehood that we see today.” - Intellectual Takeout


Does the Bible teach Big Bang cosmology?


“One of the most popular articles I have written is ‘Big Bang—The Bible Taught It First!’ … In the two decades since then, one of the most common objections I have received from skeptics is that the Bible teaches no such thing. Who is correct?” - Hugh Ross


Three Tips for Building Trust-Based Work Relationships


“You can have great relationships at work, allowing you to work closely with others and even have fun doing so. Part of wisely building work relationships is understanding what it means to develop nuanced and careful trust with people.” - IFWE


What are America’s largest seminaries in 2019?


“While the six SBC-affiliated seminaries were (and still are) among the largest in the U.S. back in 2016, two liberal CBF-affiliated institutions were among the smallest. Baptist Seminary of Kentucky enrolled 31 full-time students in 2015-2016.


Watch Your Conscience in the Workplace


“Your conscience, as Colin Smith has suggested, is like an alarm clock. It’s designed by God to go off at the right time. And just like an alarm clock, our conscience can go wrong in one of two ways.” - TGC
