DeVos’ Title IX regulations restore justice to campus


“New protections assure that the accused enjoys the presumption of innocence and has the right to know the charges against him or her in full, examine all evidence, have an adviser cross-examine testimony at a live hearing, and appeal the outcome.


This Is a Good Time to Bolster Your Theology of Suffering, Part 2

We humans have a hard time dealing with uncertainty. When too much change is happening too fast, the temptations to choose certainty over truth and comfort over honest struggle are greatly intensified.

We want it all to make sense. We want it to be simple. We want someone or some group to be clearly to blame—maybe because that’s easier than seeing the difficulty as a mess too complex to understand. A villain provides certainty and feels like a measure of control.


Our Children Are Watching Our Stay-at-Home Response


“…if we rail against the government, communicate that we think these rules are stupid, thumb our nose at their spoken desire to protect us, and refuse to heed their orders or guidelines, then we are telling our children that we only listen to authorities whenever we agree. If we do this, we’re setting a horrible example.” - Mike Leake


April 30, 2020 Are Millennials Afraid of Marriage?


“Multiple factors drive these statistics, from changing gender dynamics to economic trends. But one of the most obvious is staring us in the face: A high percentage of millennials are children of divorce. This taught them to be suspicious of marriage as an institution. They’ve experienced the pain of their parents’ failures and that makes them anxious about marriage.” - Jimmy Evans


All Is Not Lost: 6 Lessons to Learn When Losing Your Job

From The Cripplegate. By Jim Stitzinger.

The COVID-19 pandemic will leave a scar on every person in our society. We cannot expect anyone to be unscathed by something of this magnitude. Some will experience the harsh medical trauma of the virus, others the loneliness of isolation. And with nearly 30 million Americans unemployed now, many scars will come through the loss of work.


How to Faithfully Work from Home in a Season of Teleworking


“Here, I will address some of the unique challenges I have faced since having been forced to telework on short notice …. Then, I will focus my thoughts on how my Christian faith is impacted by this new environment.” - IFWE
