BJU Launches Student Emergency Relief Grant Campaign


“Bob Jones University President Steve Pettit announced [April 14] a $5 million campaign to assist students and provide COVID-19 emergency relief grants to incoming and returning students this fall.” - BJUToday


New alliance unites seminaries, Christian colleges and schools amid ongoing struggles


The new International Alliance for Christian Education’s David Dockery: “We’d never worked together because we thought we had our own issues and our own demographic context in which to serve. And we thought that perhaps we could link arms and address some of the challenges better in a synergistic way.” - CPost


Don’t Let Your Bible Reading Plan Die in Leviticus


“Read-through-the-Bible plans die a thousand deaths here. There’s no question Leviticus can be daunting, but it contains amazing lessons that should reduce us to our knees in worship. Here are four things it teaches that make it must-reading for followers of Christ.” - TGC


Understanding Christian Liberty

Christian liberty can be a thorny issue. Some sincere Christians fail to recognize this category at all. They have an opinion about nearly everything and endeavor to impose their conclusions upon others, treating each issue as if it is a Christian duty. To fail to submit to their understanding is, in their minds, to sin. They have little regard for Christians who do not hold the same opinion as themselves.


Does Scripture Promise that “No Virus can Touch your House” as a Believer?


“If physical safety and protection in this life are God’s promises to us, we would have to admit that God has not fulfilled His promises in a way that is clear to all of us. Honestly, if God fulfills His promises in the way that many religious teachers are claiming that He fulfills His promises, I’m not sure what we mean by promises anymore.” - The Cripplegate


What I Love About Easter

I remember my mother once saying—quoting her father—that Easter Sunday is a lot like heaven. Perhaps it is the closest thing that we will experience to it here upon the earth.

I cannot prove that statement Biblically, but I have attempted to meditate upon it through the years, and I think there is much truth in it.


What is the Future of Education at Bob Jones University?


Podcast: Steve Pettit talks “with Dr. Gary Weier and Dr. Beverly Cormican about how Bob Jones University is adapting to the new reality that the novel coronavirus has presented and how BJU is preparing for the different future of education.” - BJU Today
