Kevin Bauder on the future of fundamentalist education


“By every indicator, historic, mainstream fundamentalism is a shrinking movement. Churches are shrinking. Fellowships are shrinking. Mission agencies are shrinking. Schools have closed and those that remain are scrambling for students.


Christian, Please Wear a Face Mask: Part 1


“ ‘Wearing a mask is for smug liberals. Refusing to is for reckless Republicans.’ If only things were that simple; if only we could laugh off the debate as hyperbolic virtue signaling from both sides. Most likely by the time you read this, though, we will have tragically raced past the 100,000 mark in this country’s fatality count.” - John Ellis


The Origins of Social Distancing


“That the ‘grand social experiment’ of social distancing and government lockdown derived from a 14-year-old girl’s science project by no means implies that these are bad ideas. I say, give the girl, who would be in her twenties by now, the Nobel Prize for Medicine!” - Gene Veith


From the Archives – Please Don't Believe This Post

From 2011.

I’m dead serious about the title of this little essay. I’ll explain later. The focus of this piece is the need for more and better critical thinking (some of you probably already see the connection to the title).


Curbing Our Complaints: Lessons for the Church in the Desert


“Because the water was bitter, everything was viewed through the spectacles of bitterness…. Pessimism is where one takes the worst perspective on a situation and then from that perspective extrapolates out their entire disposition, their worldview, and even their understanding of God. For Israel, bitterness not only defines the water or the region, it defines them.” - Ref21


3 Ways Humor Can Help in Hard Times


“ ‘A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones’ (Prov. 17:22). A good laugh can’t cure every illness, but it sure can make us feel better. And, in God’s kindness, this medicine is as available in bad times as well as in good.” - TGC


Can You Do ALL Things?


“Knowing the context, to what does “all things” refer? Does it refer to anything at all? Does it mean that you can climb a mountain on an extreme wilderness hike? Does it mean that you can win a football game if you pray beforehand? Does it mean that you can pass your exam at school? Does it mean that you can go to work and exceed the sales goals at work because you claimed this promise by faith?
