What Should I Do When Coworkers Use Bad Language?


“Expecting perfect behavior from anyone just sets us up for disappointment and accusations. But remembering humanity’s weakness (Ps. 51:5; Rom. 5:12)—especially if a person is not a Christian—helps us to adjust our expectations and our responses.” - TGC


Loving Our Neighbors in a Fallen World


“What follows is not a review of The Third Option but rather a meditation on its central thesis, that our attitudes and behavior toward our fellow human beings must take full account of the fact that they were created in God’s image.


Why Christians Must Be to Loyal to Truth, Not Political Party or Brand

My thoughts below predate COVID-19, masks, hydroxychloroquine, or churches defying public health emergency orders. Last fall, different controversies were exposing problems in how believers evaluate conflicting claims and decide what to believe.

But those problems are still with us, and the current raft of controversies is exposing them even more painfully.


Richard Baxter and How to Do Good to Many


Podcast: “Richard Baxter, the English Puritan churchman and theologian, was perhaps one of most prolific English language author in the seventeenth century. … Baxter’s worldly aestheticism was focused on service to others across sectarian divides.


“57% of Protestant churchgoers say they find it challenging to make sense of the Bible when they read it on their own”


90% “agree they can usually understand how a passage of Scripture is relevant to them. Only 7% disagree. Four in 5 express confidence in their ability to help others with doubts about the truthfulness of Scripture (81%), difficulty accepting morals taught in the Bible (82%), and confusion over a Bible passage (81%).” - F&T
