Ideology is canceling science


“To be sure, science, being a human enterprise, has never been completely free of bias and personal agendas. But the scientific method attempts to limit such subjectivity as much as possible. But to, in effect, require positive bias–though in the name of combatting negative bias–strikes at the foundation of the scientific enterprise.” - Veith


BJU's High School Festival Goes Virtual for 2020


“For the 48th year, the High School Festival & Preaching and Teaching Conference will be held this fall but with a twist because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Submissions will be made online, which opens the event to many who even under normal circumstances wouldn’t be able to participate.” - BJU Today


Quid Pro Quo

The arrangement we make with God

By Daryl Neipp

In recent American politics, we have been introduced to the concept of quid pro quo, a Latin phrase which refers to an exchange of goods or services that is offered with a contingency or expectation of receiving something in return.


How to drain the poison of outrage out of social media


“We must refuse to participate in the ‘Internet of Beefs’ by refraining from harming others, being truthful in our pronouncements, and refraining from stealing the work, words, or reputations of others.” - Acton


From the Archives – Of God and Basketball Victories

On the evening of March 30, 2002, in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, the Indiana Hoosiers upset the Oklahoma Sooners in a “Final Four” contest of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. Following the game, Indiana coach, Mike Davis, credited God for giving Indiana University the victory. “I have a lot of people praying for me,” he told the press, “God has placed His favor on me.”


“Offend”–That Word Might Not Mean What You Think It Means


“We must take great care that we do not sin against one another and that we do not place stumbling blocks in the way of others. However, our discipleship obligations to one another require that we say hard, uncomfortable, and sometimes emotionally distressing things to one another.” - P&D
