Seven Quotes to Encourage You in Your Work: From Wayne Grudem's “Business for the Glory of God: The Bible’s Teaching on the Moral Goodness of Business”


“Grudem… looks at all the activities of work and business through the lens of imitation, the idea that ‘God enjoys seeing his character reflected in our lives.’ In his book he explores all the opportunities business provides Christians to imitate God, thereby reflecting his character and honoring him.” - TIFWE


Father Son Retreat type sermons

I’m going on a long drive and then camping and hiking with my 11 year old son next week.

I’m wondering if anyone has any recommendations for sermons that we could listen to together and talk about. Kind of like a Father Son retreat.


Sometimes It’s Best to Express Your Wisdom in Silence


“An ultracrepidarian is someone who goes ‘beyond the shoe.’ He is ‘one who is presumptuous and offers advice or opinions beyond his sphere of knowledge.’ Or ‘someone who has no special knowledge of a subject but who expresses an opinion about it.’ Apelles’ concern was that the shoemaker should stick with his area of expertise and not presume to be an expert on everything.” - Challies


Conflict Isn’t Always Bad


“Conflicts are actually opportunities. That doesn’t mean the desired end always happens, but conflicts do give us opportunities to grow and change. This is true for roommates, families, neighbors, churches, institutions, cities, and nations. ” - TGC


Darwin’s racism: How early evolutionary theory fueled discrimination


“Race-based discrimination has multiple sources, many of which preceded Darwin, but evolutionary theory gave ‘a powerful push to a scientific version of racism that still impacts us today,’ said John West, vice president and a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute.” - WORLD


Memories of Merciful Teachers


“Now, these are …two very different men, with very different personalities, approaches, and teaching styles. But in my formative years in academia they both showed me mercy, and nearly 50 years later I still remember.” - Dan Olinger


How Artificial Super-Intelligence Is Today’s Tower of Babel


“As a technologist in the field, I am intrigued by the cleverness in designs and algorithms of various AI disciplines advancing the world every day. However, I take issue with making super intelligence that out-performs humans the ultimate goal of AI. ” - CToday
