Resting in a Timeless, Unchanging God


“None of us like having the very ground shift under our feet. Our day-to-day life, perhaps a way of life that we have had for years, has in a matter of months been completely turned upside down. How do we, as God’s people, react to such uncertainty? In the midst of fear and frustration, how can we exhibit to the world people who are fundamentally different?” - James Williams


Homeschool surge


“With fall questions looming for school districts across the United States, more parents choose to educate their kids themselves” - WORLD


BJU: Precautions Bring Changes to Chapel for Fall Semester


“Per BJU’s face covering policy, students will need to wear face coverings during the entirety of chapel. Chapel will not include singing. On select Fridays, a special chapel will be held outside during which students will sing together.” - BJU Today


Ten Inspiring Quotes To Encourage You at Work Today


“Are you counting down the hours until the weekend? Perhaps you just aren’t seeing how your work is significant to God’s call on your life right now. Or maybe you love what you do, but just need some encouragement in what you are doing.” - IFWE


Trusting God When Your Pain Seems Pointless


“Last spring, my youngest found me lying in bed when she arrived home from her soccer game: ‘Does your head still hurt really bad, Mom? It’s okay that you missed my game; I have more coming up.


Hundreds of Positions Eliminated at Evangelical Colleges and Universities


“Heading into the fall semester, evangelical colleges and universities have eliminated more than 230 faculty and staff positions. Dozens of faculty and staff were cut in the spring, with schools citing COVID-19 and ongoing financial concerns. Scores more were eliminated from four institutions over the summer: [list follows]” - C.Today


The Problem with Coveting


“According to the New Testament, ‘covetousness…is idolatry’ (Col 3:5). Thus, the last commandment(s) connect to the first commandment(s). They both forbid idolatry, one from the aspect of God, and the other from the aspect of our neighbor. The Ten Commandments come full circle!” - Veith


Ed Vasicek: Reinforce school rules in your home


“As a pastor, I often frame things in biblical or theological terms. I believe in something called ‘deceitful heart syndrome’ (I get the name from Jeremiah 17:9). The idea is that our own hearts (or minds) deceive us, often because of pride.” - Kokomo Tribune


The Puritan Work Ethic and the Cause of Christ


“One Puritan said, ‘A Christian should be able to give a good account, not only what is his occupation, but also what he is in his occupation. It is not enough that a Christian have an occupation; but he must mind his occupation as it becomes a Christan.’” - P&D
