Hopeful for a new day at LU


“Because of that hope, this morning I made my first donation to Liberty as an alumnus. I designated my gift for the School of Divinity. It was a small donation. It’s not even a drop in the bucket for a school with the resource of LU. But I love Liberty University.


“Not enough atoms in the universe to model your brain”?


“Famously, there aren’t enough atoms in the universe to build a full model of what every cell is doing [in the brain]. It’s a theoretically intractable problem, you can’t even conceive of a computer large enough because there isn’t enough material in the universe to make it.” - Cranach


The Upside of an Interrupted Life


“Yet interruptions—even life-altering intrusions—are a normal part of the history of mankind. Floods, famines, wars, and pandemics have punctuated the lives of our predecessors. How did Christians of the past respond? How should we today?” - Rooted Thinking


Overmiller on lemmings vs. walking wisely


“We often take our cues and form our views from whatever the news media tells us, or whatever social issues are trending at the time, or whatever our body and emotions want to do at the moment. Consider, for instance, what happened in the city of Ephesus not long before Paul wrote this letter to the church in that city.” - P&D


Responding to Government Involvement Biblically


“I can only think of three times in the entire Bible where believers were openly, civilly disobedient—twice in Daniel and once in Acts (Daniel 1, 6, and Acts 4-5). But in all three instances, they simply took a quiet (even silent) stand without going on the offense.” - Rooted Thinking


How Can I Glorify God When I Have No Work?


“…as Christians, we don’t want to become comfortable with idleness (1 Thess. 5:14). We want to make sure that our lives are productive and fruitful.” - TGC


2,500 evangelicals sign statement on science and the pandemic


“ ‘A Christian Statement on Science for Pandemic Times’ expresses concern for the ‘politicization of science in the public square when so many lives are at stake.’ Signers pledge to wear masks, get vaccinated and correct misinformation and conspiracy theories.” - RNS
