On Civil Disobedience


“I would suggest that we can’t disobey a law or mandate just because we disagree with it, or it won’t work, or it’s stupid, or it’s an abuse of authority, or it’s applied selectively, or even because it’s unconstitutional.” - Dan Olinger


On How You’re Remembered (Strategery)


“ ‘Dan,’ he said, ‘someday you’re going to die.’ And I wondered, what does that have to do with tax protest? ‘And when you die,’ he continued, ‘you’re going to be remembered for something. You need to decide whether this is what you want to be remembered for.’” - Dan Olinger


It Should Be Fall

It should be fall.

Oh, I know it may be a little early to say that—in this first week of August—but I have always loved fall, so every year I try to rush ahead. It is my favorite season of the year.

Where I live, in Wisconsin, fall weather generally provides the greatest comfort. Normally by the start of September the sweltering heat has largely subsided, and there is almost never an early season snowstorm.

People should be getting back into the regular routines of life right now. For many, that means that school should be starting again.


Can We “Honor” the  COVID-19 Rule-Makers?

Everyone is annoyed at times by a stupid rule or a bad decision by a leader. But lately, conservative Christian responses to government rules look and sound about the same as non-Christian attitudes on the political right: they’re dominated by anger, harsh judgments of motives, mockery, and defiance.

Sanctimonious defiance is still really just defiance. If you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still… etc., etc.


Cultivating Christlike Virtue in a Virtue-Signaling Age


“Jesus teaches us not only what is right and true, but also how to display the beauty of the truth in our words, posture, and deeds. He models how to live righteously and love compassionately alongside how to think deeply.” - Dustin Crowe


Maryland Governor's Executive Order Blocks Blanket Private School Closures


“Private and parochial schools deserve the same opportunity and flexibility to make reopening decisions based on public health guidelines….The blanket closure mandate imposed by Montgomery County was overly broad and inconsistent with the powers intended to be delegated to the county health officer.” - N.Review
