No Hand But His Ever Holds the Shears


“He tends us, he nourishes us, and when necessary he prunes us. And though we do not welcome those times when pains cut deep into our souls, we have this confidence: No hand but his ever holds the shears.” - Challies


Facebook’s Unenviable Position


“The Left’s efforts to bully the social-media giant have nothing to do with protecting democracy, and everything to do with political expediency.” - N. Review


BJU Ranked by U.S. News & World Report


“In its 2021 Best College Rankings, U.S. News & World Report recognized Bob Jones University as one of the Best Regional Universities in the South, the second Best Value Regional University in the South, the sixth top performer in Social Mobility among Regional Universities in the South, and seventh in lowest debt load for its graduates among Regional Universities in the South.” -


Have we lost our discernment?


“Narcissism isn’t a new issue, but I’m often overwhelmed by how prevalent it is. It seems to be tolerated, perhaps at times celebrated, even among self-proclaimed Christians. Pragmatism rules the day so that if someone “gets the job done,” then we’ll turn a blind eye to their narcissistic ways.” - James Williams


90,000 Hours: How God Grows Us through Our Jobs


Book Review: “In Calling: Awaken to the Purpose of Your Work, Pierce Brantley tackles the question, How can Christians experience purpose and fulfillment in their jobs?


“Humbly is the way we should walk.”


“There are two kinds of walking, of going on a journey. The first kind is typified by an elevator ride…. the experience is all about getting where you’re going. It’s not about the journey. But there’s another kind of journey. It’s best typified by lovers going for a walk….Nobody cares where we’re going; we’re just going for a walk.” - Dan Olinger


Why Has Quarantine Made Me So Angry?


“Why was the master angry at the guests who turned down his invitation to feast in Luke 14:21? They considered their own business more important than his, and so despised him. And why was the older brother angry—refusing to join the feast––in Luke 15:28? He was indignant that the younger brother, living life below him, had suddenly been honored above him.” - TGC


Christian Colleges Are in Crisis. Here’s What That Means for the Church.


“I do not believe that Christian higher education can save us. It can’t. But having spent 13 years teaching…I have personally witnessed the tremendous power of these institutions to transform the lives of students, to produce scholarly and popular work that builds up the church, and to be spaces of cultural renewal and preservation.” - C.Today
