God Is Merciful: Reflections on 2020

I feel like I’m way out of sync. For me, 2020 was a year of unexpected blessing. Though some of what follows is probably in the category of self-indulgent (and boring) oversharing, I mostly mean it as an expression of thankfulness for undeserved mercies.

Work & Tech

In 2020, my work conditions improved a lot, as did the commute (home office!). At the same time, my work relationships—my connectedness to my peers—also improved, the reverse of what’s supposed to happen in a work-from-home dynamic.


3 Questions For Setting God-Centered Goals


“1. Do I want to glorify God or to glorify myself? Edwards’s fourth resolution is ‘never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, less or more, but what tends to the glory of God; nor be, nor suffer it, if I can avoid it.’” - TGC


The Davenant Institute: The Story of the Irenic Bridge


Podcast: “Brad and Colin believe that God’s simplicity, aseity, eternality, immutability, and impassibility are concepts that should be shared with the laity. … Our guests explain the real value and purpose of education, and how they coincide with the philosophy of teaching and programs offered by Davenant Institute.” - Ref21


Want to Read Your Bible Well in 2021? Don’t Do It Alone.


“In today’s highly individualistic society, it’s so easy to try to devote yourself to the apostles’ teaching—that is, to Scripture—apart from any meaningful fellowship. Of course it’s very important to regularly read your Bible alone. But the early church set an example that is crucial for us to apply: fellowship with others anchored in God’s Word and prayer.” - TGC


Liberty University students call for shutdown of Falkirk Center for 'tarnishing' Christian witness


“The petition frequently spoke about the ‘damage being done to our school’s reputation by several un-Christlike people and alleged that the Falkirk Center has “tarnished” Liberty’s reputation: ‘While Ryan Helfenbein, Charlie Kirk, Eric Metaxas, and other Falkirk fellows champion their politics and their golden calf, we want the world to know how many students do not support them.


2021 Bible Reading Plans


“Whether you are looking to complete the Bible in a year or focus on different books and themes, we hope these [more than a dozen] plans will be of great help to you, your family, and your church.” - Ligonier


The Death of My Son and the Birth of My Savior


“The birth of my Savior has everything to do with the death of my son, for it is only because of Christ’s birth that I can have hope in Nick’s death. Because Jesus lived and lives, I can have confidence that Nick lives and will live. Christmas does not take away all my pain, but it does give me hope…” - Challies


Jesus Came to Defeat Your (Real) Enemies


“At Christmas we celebrate the good news that Jesus came here to defeat our enemies but perhaps we need to be reminded who our real enemies are. After all, our Christian faith teaches us that our real enemies are not flesh and blood.” - Eric Geiger
