Know a Good Futurist Dispensational Video Set on Revelation?

Hi SI friends.

This request will appeal to a certain segment of SI folks who hold like views to mine.

We are doing a study on Sunday nights on Revelation. I have been using a great CD from Day of Discovery on the 7 churches of Revelation. But I decided this format (watch video section, discuss and add) makes for a better study.

I am looking for a set of either expository sermons or lessons from a dispensational or somewhat dispensational, futurist viewpoint.


A Review of ‘Israel, the Church, and the Middle East’

Amazon Affiliate Link

This compendium of new essays follows the only occasionally stellar The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel, edited by the same two men. This book marks Israel’s seventieth anniversary. It is divided into four parts, Biblical Foundations, Theology and the Conflict, Yeshua in the Midst of the Crisis, and Current Challenges to Peace in Israel.


Why I’m Still a Baptist: John 1:12-13 and Believer Baptism

Some of my best friends and my most admired heroes of the Christian faith believe in the practice of baptizing infants and bringing them into the membership of the church apart from any profession of faith. My love and respect for these dear brothers and venerable men of God has on more than one occasion inclined me to reconsider whether they’ve got it right and I’ve got it wrong.


From the Archives: A Wonderful Creationist Heritage

It is so important that we focus on God’s perspective concerning ultimate origins. Human theories, hypotheses, speculations and opinions come and go. But the God “who cannot lie” (NKJV, Tit. 1:2), who was there when the world began, has written a perfect book—the Bible—which He requires that we read and believe (Rom. 10:17).

Let us think, then, about the vital and blessed heritage that Christians enjoy as we understand the truths of creationism.


Why has the Enneagram become so popular among Christians?


“In addition to the books from Christian presses, there are now church groups to discuss the Enneagram in many Protestant congregations: Episcopal, Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches have joined Roman Catholic parishes in holding retreats and workshops on the Enneagram.” RNS
