Is Jesus King of All of Us?

Reposted, with permission, from Randy White Ministries.

Question: Is Jesus the King for all of us or only for Israel? – Bob, Minnesota

Dr. White’s Answer …

First, let’s take a look at the Scripture.

At the beginning of Jesus’ life, He was called King of the Jews.

Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. (KJV, Matthew 2:2)


Should ‘Presuppositional’ Apologetics Be Rebranded as ‘Covenant’ Apologetics?

In 2013 K. Scott Oliphint of Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia published a book which he has called Covenantal Apologetics. I reviewed the book here and recommend it. But I expressed reservations about the writer’s agenda of rebranding Van Til’s apologetic teaching in line with the book’s title. Coming as it does from one of the foremost representatives of Van Til’s presuppositional approach, the thesis deserves attention.


Theology Thursday - Council of Trent on Baptism

The Council of Trent was a key event in the so-called Roman Catholic “counter reformation.” It was held in Trento, Italy, from 1545 – 1563. This excerpt is from Trent’s remarks about baptism:1

CANON I.—If any one saith, that the baptism of John had the same force as the baptism of Christ: let him be anathema.


From the Archives: Smartest Man in the World

Following David’s awful sin of adultery with Bathsheba and the ensuing arranged murder of her husband, Uriah, he was confronted by Nathan the prophet. Among the consequences of his sins were that from his own household enemies would arise against him (2 Sam 12:10-11). Three of his sons—Amnon, Absalom, and Adonijah—each caused serious problems for him and his successor, Solomon (2 Sam 13; 14-17; 2 Kings 1-2). There was another person, whose name also began with an “A,” who rose up against him as a betrayer.
