The “Day of the Lord” in the Old Testament

The Day of the LORD in the Old Testament1

The expression “the Day of the Lord” is sometimes thought to refer to the time of the end of this age.2 Unquestionably, there are passages which do refer to the eschaton, and we shall look at them, but not every usage of the phrase can be slotted into the last days—the locust plague in Joel 1 being a case in point.


If This Is How the Bible Works, the Bible Doesn’t Work at All


“Since [Kant’s] time Christians have been pushing back against what became, and in Kant’s train remains today, methodological atheism in biblical studies. Enns simply embraces the thesis that the Bible’s God-talk is necessarily no more than futile ancient efforts (heavily redacted and embellished) to articulate the ineffable.” - TGC


The Book of Tobit (Part 1)

Tobit is an apocryphal book that is included in various early Septuagint editions of the Greek Old Testament. It is canonical in the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Ethiopian Orthodox traditions. However, it is certain the earliest Christians, who used various editions of the Septuagint, were familiar with Tobit. It is set during the Assyrian exile, and written sometime between 400 and 175 B.C. The book is fascinating because it presents a beautiful portrait of a faithful Jewish man living in the second-temple period, after the Book of Malachi.


Van Til's Limiting Concept


“A ‘limiting concept’ for Van Til is one that needs another if it is to be properly understood. It implies a complementarity. For example, one part of the Bible will not be properly understood without the other parts.” - Ref21


The Meaning of Matthew 5:17-19 (Part 5)

Read the series.

What Did Jesus Mean by “These Commandments”?

This entry is Part 5 concerning what Jesus meant in Matthew 5:17-19. My focus here specifically is on what Jesus meant by “these commandments” in Matthew 5:19. This verse reads:

Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
