Covenant in Isaiah, Part 1

This post and those to follow are extracts from a draft chapter in the book The Words of the Covenant: A Biblical Theology, Vol. 1 (forthcoming, d.v.). Read the series.


Eat whatever is sold - 1 Cor 10:25-30

In the last idol-meat thread, Kevin asked:

Kevin Miller: The question I want to ask is this: If a person buys meat that they know for certain has been offered to an idol, but they go home and eat it in private with the knowledge that an idol is nothing, have they sinned by eating meat that they know has been offered?

1 Corinthians 10:25-30 ESV


How David Brooks Meandered Toward God


“The New York Times columnist hasn’t become a Christian of the ‘Protestant evangelical variety,’ but his latest book offers a fine example of spiritual autobiography.” - Christianity Today


Alvah Hovey on Baptismal Regeneration

Alvah Hovey was, at various times, both a Professor and President at the Newton Theological Institution for fifty-four years in the latter half of the 19th century. His systematic theology, entitled Manual of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics, was published in 1877. In this excerpt, Hovey explains his understanding of baptismal generation.1


Mark Ward reviews Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion


“As a presuppositionalist (who doesn’t like to ride the label, and who believes in the value of evidence because Paul does in 1 Corinthians 15), I observe that my own tribe’s arguments don’t always get that kind of honing… I don’t seem often to run into people who can really understand what I’m saying when I go presupp on them; it’s all too philosophically demanding.” -


Book Review – J. P. Moreland's “Scientism and Secularism”

Amazon Affiliate Link

J. P. Moreland is a seasoned Christian philosopher who has provided the Church with some very good tools in defense of the Faith and the Christian Worldview. He has been Professor of Philosophy at Biola for many years. This timely book is most welcome as it engages one of the most pernicious false ideas that has arisen from man’s innate hatred of God (Rom. 1:18-25).


Work: Its Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation


D.A. Carson: “The last few years have witnessed a flurry of books that treat a Christian view of work. This is the best of them. Well written, historically comprehensive, theologically informed, exegetically sensitive, this is now the ‘must read’ volume on the subject.” - Challies


Rome on the Transmission of Divine Revelation

The following is an excerpt from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Articles 74-83:

74 God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”: that is, of Christ Jesus. Christ must be proclaimed to all nations and individuals, so that this revelation may reach to the ends of the earth:


Warren Wiersbe on Calvinism, Unlimited Atonement


“What did Warren Wiersbe believe about Calvinism and Limited or Unlimited Atonement? No doubt he was what some would call a Moderate Calvinist … but he was not a 5-point Calvinist. Following are some of his quotes on the Atonement.” - David Brumbelow
