MacArthur and "the Blood" Controversy

The “blood controversy” involving John MacArthur and Bob Jones, Jr. is infamous within Baptist fundamentalism. It is a sad event. Even now, there are some fundamentalists who wrongly believe MacArthur is a “heretic” because of this unfortunate slander from Jones. Phil Johnson wrote a letter clarifying the issue 19 years ago, and explained:1


Contrasting Dispensationalism and Biblical Covenantalism

A Little Backstory

As many of my readers will know, I have spent a lot of time and energy trying to place Dispensational theology on what I believe is a more secure footing. Dispensationalism has not produced many top-line academic works, especially in the last half century, and with only one or two exceptions it presents itself as static and unwilling to improve. In the meantime it has been frozen out of mainstream evangelical scholarship and its influence has dwindled.


Heath Lambert removes Joshua Harris foreword from his book


“…there was no way for me to continue to have his foreword be associated with my book,” Lambert said. “In Finally Free I am trying to be clear about a Christian approach to sexuality. Joshua’s recent actions and statements only confuse that attempt at clarity.” - BNG


The Nazi State Church

The Third Reich’s persecution of Christian churches began shortly after Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of the Weimer Republic, in January 1933. This story has been told in many books. See especially William L. Shirer’s account in his epic The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.1 The following article appeared in the New York Times on January 3, 1942:2


The Assault on Reality: A Review of “When Harry Became Sally”


“In a chapter on childhood dysphoria, Anderson explains that most gender-fluid children will, given time and appropriate therapy, eventually identify with their natal sex. In light of what we know about neuroplasticity and developing brains, it seems likely that early “transition” will diminish the chances of that ever happening.” - National Review


Hell Is Not Separation from God


“Hell is not horrible due to alleged implements of torture or its temperature. (After all, it is described variously in Scripture as ‘outer darkness’ and a ‘lake of fire.’) Whatever the exact nature of this everlasting judgment, it is horrible ultimately for one reason only: God is present.” - Michael Horton
