Food offered to idols - what does the Old Testament say?

I cannot find any Old Testament statement that eating food offered to idols (perhaps bought in the market and eaten away from the idol) was prohibited.

Does anyone know of an OT refrence to this?

I know Daniel refused the King’s meat - ostensibly that reason…


Questions for Aimee


“So along the lines of Aimee’s recent blog posts, I have listed some questions and concerns regarding her book. I did not formulate these entirely on my own. Some are from readers who did not feel comfortable raising these concerns publicly.” - Ref21


Was Jesus Tempted? Could Jesus Have Sinned?

The greatest battle ever waged on earth’s soil took place two thousand years ago in the desert of Palestine. There met the champions of evil and righteousness. Satan, the most intelligent and powerful creature ever made and who’d become the archenemy of God, stood toe-to-toe with the Promised Descendant of Eve, Jesus of Nazareth, the long-awaited Messiah and the Son of God. It was a conflict of cosmic proportions. And the final outcome of his battle determined the destiny of men.


Does Anyone Need to Recover from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood? A Review of Aimee Byrd’s “Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood”


“Here’s my attempt to paraphrase [Byrd’s] basic argument: So-called ‘biblical manhood and womanhood’—especially as John Piper and Wayne Grudem teach it—uses traditional patriarchal structures to oppress women. Byrd argues that “biblical manhood and womanhood” is not all biblical. A lot of it is unbiblical.


Justification and the Remonstrants


” I have suggested the Remonstrants caused a crack in the foundation of the biblical doctrine of justification. This crack is not as vivid in the five articles submitted in 1610 as it is in the writings of Arminius himself.” - Ref21


A Response to Scot McKnight and Matthew Bates


“Most of my remarks here will be directed toward Scot McKnight’s article, since it makes a more substantive argument, though I’ll mention Matthew Bates’s as well here and there. There are three main areas I’d like to address. First, has my view of the gospel shifted from ‘soterian’ to ‘a King Jesus Gospel?’” - Greg Gilbert
