Romans 12:1–2 and the Doctrine of Sanctification, Part 5

By William W. Combs. Reproduced with permission from DBSJ 11 (2006). Read the series.

The Believer’s Dedication Is Realized in His Life-long Transformation (v. 2)

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.


A Handbook for Thriving Amid Secularism


“Mark Sayers has not written another book on the challenges that face the church in the West, though few would be better suited to do so. He’s written instead a handbook for not only surviving but even thriving in our secular age. Sayers is the author of Reappearing Church: The Hope for Renewal in the Rise of Our Post-Christian Culture” - TGC


Albert Mohler rejects the idea of 'Christian yoga'


“In an episode of his podcast ‘The Briefing’ that aired last Friday, Mohler described the origins of yoga, which hail from Hindu and Buddhist practices and philosophy.


Tongues, Prophecy and 1 Corinthians 14

This is a short exposition of 1 Corinthians 14. It’s based on notes I prepared for our adult bible study class. It doesn’t interact with the scholarly commentaries, and nobody will mistake it for a crushing blow that will lay Wayne Grudem low. Still, I believe it’s a faithful and accurate way to understand this difficult chapter. Perhaps some people will find it useful.


“We've become addicted to outrage and it’s killing us.”


“I wrote Christians in an Age of Outrage: How to Bring Out Our Best When the World’s at Its Worst not to scold Christians for being like the world in our constant sense of outrage. I wrote it primarily to help us to be at our best in our age of outrage—how we can break the addiction and find a better path forward.” - Ed Stetzer


“...we still have a lot to learn from the early and medieval church”


“Some church history and tradition have been forgotten or neglected by many modern Christians…in part, for lack of knowledge of their importance.” Gavin Ortlund, pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai, California, talks about recovering lost doctrine and practice and his new book Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals. - Ref21


6 Tips for Reading Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion


“It might seem a little silly to offer tips on how to read a book. Don’t you start reading the first page and keep going until you reach the end? Well, yes. And no! Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion requires some guidance, or else readers will get confused and lose interest in a hurry. There are several reasons why this is the case.” - Servants of Grace
