Bringing Common Sense to the Online-Worship Debate


“While online worship allows us to truly worship the living God, it ruptures our common sense [input from the five senses] in a way that doesn’t happen with in-person worship …. This is not to deny the real value of online worship… however, it does offer us a way to understand how it differs from in-person worship.” - TGC


A Few Thoughts on Worship


“During the week, how much time do you think you personally spend in worship? When you attend church, how often do you actually worship?” - P&D


How We Worshiped One Sunday in September

I’d like to share the way our congregation structures its worship service. I have nothing special to offer―only my own reflections on where our congregation is, and perhaps where we’ll go. What we do on Sunday mornings, and how we do it, is important. Perhaps my comments here will be useful.

The Missing Link

Many Christians don’t think critically about what happens on Sundays. This isn’t a rebuke, just an observation. Over 40 years ago, Robert G. Rayburn shared similar misgivings:


4 Principles of Effective Public Prayer


On “devoting the same thought and preparation to leading in prayer as they do to preparing sermons or leading music. Here are four principles to guide this pursuit.” - TGC


Liturgies Are the Pipes, But the Word Is the Water


“I know the term itself can be a little slippery. I’ve seen it applied to everything from an ancient prayer book to your morning coffee routine. But where it refers to an intentional structure for our weekly gatherings, liturgy captures something that ought to be precious to all of us.” - 9 Marks
