Why We Should Wait!

Are there any among the idols of the nations that can cause rain?
Or can the heavens give showers?
Are You not He, O LORD our God?
Therefore we will wait for You,
Since You have made all these. (Jeremiah 14:22)


Safety of singing under more scrutiny


“A senior medical adviser at Public Health England (PHE), Dr Simon Tanner, said on Tuesday that his organisation was leading a small study with adult male choir-singers from Salisbury Cathedral, and some adult volunteers, to gain a better understanding of transmission.” - Church Times


This is Why Singing and Chanting Are Banned in CA Churches Right Now


“The order, issued on July 1, includes sanitation guidelines for church buildings, suggests shortened services, and temporarily prohibits items that move among congregants, such as offering plates. Churches aren’t the sole focus of the order, with venues such as bars, restaurants, theaters, and museums being shuttered for at least three weeks.” - C.Leaders


Does American Patriotism Have a Place in Worship Services?


“I love the American flag. I love the Fourth of July. I even still love that cheesy Lee Greenwood song ‘God Bless the USA.’ I just don’t think celebrations of the American nation have a place in the embassy of the kingdom of God.” - TGC


Bring Back Isaac Watts’s Biggest Hit


“The church has forgotten the old hymn ‘Come, We That Love the Lord.’ I’ve never heard this song in any worship service and I’ll bet you haven’t either. Try to hum the opening line.” - CToday


The Joy and Blessings of Churches Worshiping Corporately Online


“Last Sunday, as my family settled into our couch to watch our church’s online worship service, I was simultaneously saddened and filled with joy. …This is not the way this is supposed to be, I thought.


Younger generations prefer smaller worship gatherings


“Larger churches will have a more difficult time staying larger. At least, that is my postulate according to our early research. And to be clear, I am defining a larger church by the size of its largest worship service, not by its total attendance.” - Thom Rainer


“...one of our great failings as sinful human beings is that we are prone to make God small and safe.”


“…the brilliance and the power of Sproul’s book is that it shows us a God who is holy, holy, holy. And really, there’s nothing the English language offers that can adequately explain what’s bound up in that three-fold repetition of ‘holy’…. When I look at much of contemporary evangelicalism, I see churches that so obviously do not regard God as holy, not to mention holy, holy, holy. Their small worship proves they worship a small God.


The Rule and Songs of Puritan Worship


“In its simplest terms the regulative principle holds that the Word of God alone regulates, directs, and warrants all elements of worship… . We may worship God only as he has commanded us to do in the Bible.” - Church Leaders
