What Liturgy Should (and Shouldn’t) Aim to Do


“For those of us who employ elements of a more traditional liturgy in our services, it’s worth asking the question from time to time, liturgy should aim to do what? And on the flip side, what should our liturgy NOT aim to do?” - Church Leaders


Why do we recite the historic creeds of the church in our worship services?


“…All we are doing is reading a summary of what the Bible says. Second, we believe recitation leads to memorization. It is very important that we understand the basics of Christianity…third, when we recite the creeds, we are affirming that what we believe about the teaching of Scripture is the same as what the Church has believed throughout history.” - Ref21


Worship That Smells: Calvin on Genesis 8


“We should not, however, conclude that any old act of worship informed by faith is pleasing to God. The second ingredient — also absolutely essential — to sweet-smelling worship is careful attention to God’s own instructions regarding how he wishes to be worshiped.


Beware! A Call to More Sincere Worship

On the last week of His incarnate life, Jesus spent a lot of time in the temple. On one occasion, He taught a bit about His identity. Who is the Messiah? Is He just a guy descended from David (Mk 12:35)? He quoted Psalm 110:1, then asked:

David himself calls him Lord. So how is he his son?” And the great throng heard him gladly (Mk 12:36-37).


“give the congregation lots of Bible in your worship services”


I suspect nearly 100 percent of the people who took part in the study and who attend my church believe they are supposed to be reading the Bible through the week and that they feel some guilt that they are not doing so….This leads me to a few points of personal application that may be helpful to you as well.” - Challies
