Jesus, Satan, Demons and the Trinity

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The Christ has been commissioned and anointed with power from the Spirit. His ministry has begun. Immediately, He enters into single combat with His own creation, the chief of all angels, Satan. As His ministry begins, we’ll examine two passages which shed light on Christ and the doctrine of the Trinity.

Jesus and Satan in the Wilderness (Mark 1:12-13)

The Spirit immediately drove him into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty days, enduring temptations from Satan. He was with wild animals, and angels were ministering to his needs (Mark 1:12-13).


Roads to Nowhere - Studying the Trinity With Your Head in the Sand

Read the series so far.

You Must Care About the Trinity

If you’re a Christian, you should want to know as much about your God as possible. He is the God who decided to save you before the world even began. He knows who you are. He knows every sin you have committed, are committing right now, and will ever commit in the future.


Inspector Gadget and the Trinity - Bible Study as Detective Work

In the local church, the Trinity is usually expressed as an established truth; a fact. It’s often accompanied by a nice summary statement and some key verses. In a seminary context, the student (let’s call him Biff!) will be forced to go a bit deeper than that.


Is Christ Eternally Subordinate to the Father?


Is the Son eternally subordinate to the Father, while remaining fully equal in power, honor and glory? Or, is Jesus’ subordination a role unique to the incarnation?
