Sweden reports a 1,500 % rise in gender dysphoria


“Between 2008 and 2018, the rate of teen girls ages 13 to 17 being diagnosed with gender dysphoria grew by approximately 1,500 percent, a report from Sweden’s Board of Health and Welfare” - CPost


“Anxiety has physical, mental, and spiritual components”


“Anxiety disorders have real physical symptoms (rapid heart rate, tensed muscles, shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain, etc.) brought on by identifiable physical things like the hormone epinephrine. However, anxiety also reveals the intimate connection between the mind and body.” - Ref21


Meet the Bold Sexologist Questioning Transgender Orthodoxy


“On May 11, after he posted a clinically informed opinion on transgenderism in response to a direct question, [Ray] Blanchard’s Twitter account was suspended for violating its ‘Hateful Conduct’ policy.


Mental-Health Problems and Suicides Up Among Teens


“Pew released a starting report last week, finding: Anxiety and depression are on the rise among America’s youth and, whether they personally suffer from these conditions or not, seven-in-ten teens today see them as major problems among their peers.” - National Review


Non-Christians Twice as Likely to Seek Mental Health Counseling as Practicing Christians: Barna Study


“In a report released Tuesday, Barna found that 33 percent of surveyed non-Christians said they have sought counseling, versus 15 percent of respondents who identified as practicing Christians. ‘[T]here’s a chance some of the faithful are simply confident in their mental health — after all, science confirms that religious belief and a loving, stable community can be healing and have psychological benefits,’ explained the report.
