Pornography as a Spiritual AND Public Health Crisis


“What is interesting now is that the general culture is seeing the mental health damage that pornography brings…. Louisiana house passed this bill 96-1, the state senate 34-0, and a left-leaning governor… signed the law without argument.” - P&D


Teen Mental Health: A Crisis We Can No Longer Ignore


“What the Lancet research study confirms is that adolescent girls and boys today across multiple parts of the world experience earlier onset and a prolonged period of heightened emotional problems than those born previously…. with the greatest emotional risk for girls.” - IFS


“Does Therapy Even Work?”


“There are some, many of them Christians, striving to rethink psychology and counsel others by looking outward as well as inward, to know themselves by first knowing what is true and good.” - Breakpoint


Suicide and the Church


“The prevailing idea is that the Christian faith is to be a faith of joy, making depression a sin….As a result, depressed people have been riddled with guilt, have hidden in shame, and have been afraid to surface in order to get the help they need.” - C.Leaders


To change unwanted thoughts, ask yourself questions


“You are an embodied soul. Your body responds to the content of your thoughts, and your thoughts are influenced by the state of your body. Becoming more aware of the interactions between your thoughts and body can help you form a plan.” - TGC


Is Anxiety A Sin?


“…not every negative effect finds its specific cause in a specific sin on the part of the person experiencing it. That is to say, mental health is not a sin issue. And while there may be individual sins that contribute to the relative health or malady of a person, the level of health itself is not ipso facto a moral issue.” - Kainos
