More Americans are wondering about the meaning and purpose of life


“A study from Nashville-based Lifeway Research finds, compared to a decade ago, U.S. adults today are more likely to regularly wonder about meaning and purpose in this life but less likely to strongly believe finding a higher meaning and purpose is important.” - BPNews


Book Review: Jesus and John Wayne: A Fair Portrait of Evangelicalism?


“Towards the end of the book, after assembling her evidence and indicting the totality of evangelical Christianity as White and Patriarchal, she writes: ‘Driscoll, Mahaney, Patrick, MacArthur, and MacDonald had all risen to prominence through their aggressive promotion of patriarchal power.


Why Is Church Membership in America on the Decline?


“The decline in church membership appears to be primarily a result of more Americans expressing no religious preference….Most of the rest of the drop can be attributed to a decline in formal church membership among Americans who do have a religious preference….


Gallup: Church members are minority in U.S. for first time


“Church members are in the minority for the first time in at least eight decades, with just 47 percent identifying with a congregation, Gallup said in a poll released [March 29]. The number was 70 percent in 1999.” - BPNews


6 Ways to Equip Your Church to “Do Good” on Social Media


“Most pastors have several moments each week when they shake their heads in sorrow at something they’ve seen a church member post on social media. The last year—in which churchgoers spent less time in face-to-face fellowship and more time than ever in ‘fellowship’ with the social media mob—has made the problem worse. What can church leaders do about this?” - 9 Marks


Exile in the ‘Seven Mountains’: beyond a politics of domination


“As Evan Koons explains in the film, ‘Simply put, we are being called by God to spend the remainder of our days serving our captors, working with them (not fighting them or conforming to them or fleeing from them – but serving them) and compromising nothing.’” - Acton
