From WEIRD to Westboro: The Problem of Christian Reputation


“I asked these students what their classmates associate first with Christianity. I couldn’t believe their answer. But since then I’ve repeated the question with audiences around the country. And every time I hear the same thing. … Westboro Baptist Church.” - Collin Hansen


Millions more Americans turned to Scripture during pandemic, study suggests


“Over an estimated 10 million more Americans turned to the Bible in the past year than in years past, as one in four adults reported reading the Bible more frequently during the pandemic compared to last year, the American Bible Society’s 2021 State of the Bible report suggests.” - C.Post


What is the “Greatest Threat to the Gospel”?


“What this ‘greatest threat’ trope ignores is the clear teaching of Jesus that He will build His church and not even the gates of hell will prevail against it (Matthew 16:17-19). The gospel is never threatened because it is the Savior who ensures His kingdom will advance.” - LifeWay


Survey: Half of U.S. ‘Christians’ Say Casual Sex Is Acceptable


“According to a new survey by Pew Research, half of self-identified Christians in America say casual sex is sometimes or always acceptable. The survey defined casual sex as sex between consenting adults who are not in a committed romantic relationship.” - TGC


Slip Sliding Away: Culturally Accommodated “Christianity”


“To what extent do we, American Christians especially, allow our Christianity to be shaped and re-shaped by contemporary American culture? Are we supposed to stand out rather than (just) fit in? To what extent?


We Are Still Amusing Ourselves to Death—35 Years Later


“…our civic life has become consumed by soundbites and Twitter feeds. Even those outlets that are supposed to be providing substance do not. Despite appearances, Fox News and MSNBC have much in common.” - TGC


Post-Truth America Stitches Together Patchwork Worldview of Conflicting Beliefs and Values; “Syncretism” Top Worldview Among U.S. Adults


“According to the groundbreaking American Worldview Inventory 2021—the first survey of its kind to measure not only biblical worldview, but six prominent competing worldviews—found that the overwhelming majority of American adults lack a cohesive, coherent worldview, and instead substitute a patchwork of conflicting, often irreconcilable beliefs and values as they navigate life.” -
