“Last year, a coalition of organizations, including the Alliance Defending Freedom, Family Policy Alliance, Colson Center, and the Heritage Foundation, teamed up to issue a Promise to America’s Children…. Today, we join again, this time to issue a Promise to America’s Parents.” - Breakpoint
In historic low, only 38% extremely proud to be an American: Gallup
“A new Gallup poll has found that only 38% of adults in the United States say they are “extremely proud” to be American, the lowest percentage recorded since the analytics and advisory company began asking the question in 2001.” - C.Post
Best Christian Workplaces Institute announces new leadership to equip more flourishing workplaces
“The BCWI model of flourishing workplaces was featured at the April 2022 Christian Leadership Alliance convention, along with the newly released book, Road to Flourishing: Eight Keys to Boost Employee Engagement and Well-Being, by Al Lopus.” - RNS
Evangelism in a Post-Christian Culture
“we can’t rely on “hit and run” gospel presentations for effective disciple-making ministry. Times have changed. We need to consider a different approach for engaging unbelievers with the good news of Jesus.” - P&D
Help! I’ve Been Asked to Deliver the Announcements
“Often announcements are bemoaned as a distraction from worship—and they can be. But if everything a church does together is part of our worship, announcing them on Sunday should be also. In these announcements, we get to hear concretely how Scripture is moving this congregation to act together.” - 9 Marks
Why Is Christian Unity So Hard?
“nowhere in the Bible does God promise that the pursuit of unity, even among real, Spirit-filled, earnest Christians, won’t be as hard as it often is — any more than it promises that battling our indwelling sin won’t be as hard as it often is” - Desiring God
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Among other important truths, registered Sharper Iron users hold to the following:
The plenary Divine inspiration of the Scriptures in the original languages, their consequent inerrancy and infallibility, and as the Word of God, the supreme and final authority in faith and life. The Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The essential, absolute, eternal Deity and the real and proper, but sinless, humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ. His birth of the Virgin Mary. His substitutionary, expiatory death, in that He gave His life “a ransom for many.”About Sharper Iron
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Our aim is to provide a place where Christians can interact thoughtfully and respectfully on a wide range of topics, including our articles and the news items and blog samples we post daily (“Filings”).
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Church Discipline: Guarding the Gospel
Reposted from Rooted Thinking.
Ever heard of church discipline? Have you experienced church discipline or seen it practiced in a local church?
4 of the Most Misquoted Bible Verses
“I Can Do All Things…This short Bible verse is often quoted by sports teams, bumper stickers and tag lines as a rally cry to accomplish great things like running a marathon, climbing a mountain, winning the championship, finishing the remodel on the kitchen” - C.Leaders
Why the FBFI? a young pastor’s perspective
“I’m a thirty-year-old assistant pastor, so why did I become an FBFI member? Several factors persuaded me to become a member.” - P&D
Only 3% of Christian missionaries worldwide focus on 'unreached' people groups: report
Per the Joshua Project: “7.7 billion people on the planet, more than 3 billion are considered either unreached or least reached. Of those, approximately 7,000 people groups have been categorized as unreached” - C.Post
Pew: Analysis of political tweets shared by U.S. adults
“62% of tweets that the Center’s analysis identified as political were retweets, with no additional text from the user who shared them….Political tweets from Republicans and Democrats alike are more likely to mention the opposite party than their own.” - Pew
20 Quotes from Bryan Chapell's 'Grace at Work: Redeeming the Grind and the Glory of Your Job'
“It may seem foolish to expect believers in every profession to engage in ‘rigorous theological thinking,’ but such reflection is actually the path of relief and rescue from the daily grind that can seem without meaning or significance.” - TGC
Telling the Better Story: Christians and "Pride Month"
Fade in on the little town of Bomont, presumably in rural Illinois. At a pulpit in a small local church is the Reverend Shaw Moore. He’s fond of crazed pastoral rants against dancing. You may recognize him—he’s the angry pastor-dad from Footloose.
There are still some Reverend Shaw’s around—less than there used to be, but still plenty everywhere. He epitomizes the wrong way to think about the sexual and gender confusion in our society.
What should Christians think about Pride Month?
The Principle of the Sovereignty of the People in America
From Democracy in America (De La Démocratie en Amérique) vol. I, by Alexis de Tocqueville, 1835.
Chapter 4: The Principle of the Sovereignty of the People in America
It predominates over the whole of society in America — Application made of this principle by the Americans even before their Revolution — Development given to it by that Revolution — Gradual and irresistible extension of the elective qualification.
‘Christ Our Hope in Life & Death’
There is a statement that I often heard from my mentor, Dr. John C. Whitcomb. It was humorous, but also profound—usually offered as a title for a photo he had just taken.
“The name of the picture,” he would famously say, “is, ‘There’s still hope!’”
Of course, our hope in life and death is ultimately found in Christ alone (Rom. 8:38-39). Many have come to appreciate the need for such hope in a more profound way over the past two years. “Christ Our Hope in Life & Death” was our theme this week as we gathered in Albuquerque, NM, for the annual convention of IFCA International.
8 Reasons Why Non-Believers Don’t Always Listen to Us
“1. They sense we’re treating them more as projects than as people we care about…. 4. They learn we’re not prepared—or willing, even—to engage their questions…. 5. They don’t understand our language.” - Chuck Lawless
Polls: Americans on the Dobbs decision and related topics
NPR/Marist poll: “When asked if they supported the overturning of Roe, 56% of respondents said they didn’t approve of the Dobbs decision.” YouGov poll: “opposition to the Dobbs decision (47%)” Also YouGov: “By a more than 2-1 margin, Americans believe that corporations should remain silent on the issue.” - C.Post
Slightly Fewer Churches Put Patriotism on Display for July 4: Still a Majority
“These findings represent a small decrease from a 2016 Lifeway Research study, when 61 percent of pastors felt such worship service elements were important.” - C.Today
Anti-Abortion Movement Faces Internal Divisions After Roe’s Fall
“For nearly five decades, abortion opponents held two truths to be self-evident. Abortion ends the life of a human being. Women who have an abortion are ‘second victims.’ Now, with Roe v. Wade overturned, a small but influential group of abortion foes believes women who have abortions should be prosecuted as criminals” - RNS
God Rules in the Affairs of Nations, Men, and Me
“Everything we see around us belongs to God and is ‘on loan’ to us, even our very lives.” - P&D
Is There a Wholesome Alternative to Christian Nationalism?
“Miller is well suited to explain why Christian nationalism, though not ‘something to be scared of,’ is certainly something Christians should reject.” - C.Today
Facebook Reportedly Designates Violent Pro-Abortion “Jane’s Revenge” as Dangerous Extremist Group
The Intercept claims an internal memo describes Jane’s Revenge as “a far-left extremist group that has claimed responsibility on its website for an attack against an anti-abortion group’s office in Madison, Wisconsin in May 2022. The group is responsible for multiple arson and vandalism attacks on pro-life institutions.” - The Intercept
Is Church Growth Desirable or Dangerous? Yes.
“If we are in a small congregation, we ought to rejoice in our close fellowship, in the ordinary work of God lived out with the people whom God has placed us among. At the same time, we ought to see growth as a good gift and as a blessing when the Lord brings it.” - Ref21
SBC Sexual Abuse Task Force shares expectations for implementation task force
“The work of a yet-to-be-appointed Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF) is likely to take years, with an initial report ordered to be given at the 2023 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in New Orleans next June.” - BPNews
PCUSA committee passes resolution declaring Israel's treatment of Palestinians 'apartheid'
“Amendment INT-02, titled ‘On Recognition That Israel’s Laws, Policies, and Practices Constitute Apartheid Against the Palestinian People,’ passed on a 28-3 committee vote Tuesday afternoon.” - CPost
R.C. Sproul on the Problem of Pain
“Whatever else evil is, it is not illusory. We experience the pangs of its impact, not only in an individual sense, but in a cosmic sense. The whole creation groans, we are told by Scripture, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.” - Ligonier