“Make an official handwritten record of all the junk you’ve suffered and put up with in this church….Name names. Use bold print, underline, and add exclamation points. Then, take this official document, this masterpiece, and shred it. Then burn the shredding.” - David Brumbelow
Belief In God Hits New Low in U.S., Now What?
“Most Americans still believe in God, but that majority is shrinking. This presents churches with challenges and opportunities for ministry in the new religious landscape.” - Lifeway
Ex-Scientologist Mike Rinder has memoir out in September
“Rinder held numerous positions within Scientology, from spokesperson to head of the Office of Special Affairs, the division that took on the church’s critics.” - RNS
Pew: Two-thirds of Americans have a favorable view of Israel’s people; fewer say the same about its government
“Americans’ attitudes about Israel are nuanced…. Views of Israel as a country, meanwhile, fall in between, with a little over half of Americans (55%) expressing a favorable opinion.” - Pew
Will We Know Each Other in Heaven?
“…let me offer seven Scriptures that I have used to help people who wonder if they will be reunited with their believing loved ones in heaven. All of these point to our knowing one another in the resurrection, and some of them point to believers knowing one another immediately after death.” - Colin Smith
Book Review – BJU and Me: Queer Voices from the World’s Most Christian University
It is not often that Pride Month and Fundamentalism converge, but such was the case with the official June release of Lance Weldy’s (1990s BJU) BJU and Me: Queer Voices from the World’s Most Christian University, published by The University of Georgia Press.
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary launches mandatory sexual abuse prevention and response course
“Undergraduate, graduate and advanced students will be required to complete the free course on sexual abuse prevention and response during their programs at Southeastern.” - BPNews
‘Caustic and demonizing’: Jewish groups denounce PCUSA calling Israel an ‘apartheid’ state
“Rabbi Eric J. Greenberg of the… Simon Wiesenthal Center claims that the largest Presbyterian denomination in the U.S. is bearing false witness…. Jackie Subar of the Anti-Defamation League argued that the resolution ‘will have serious and damaging consequences to PCUSA’s relations with the Jewish community.’” - CPost
When Should a Missionary Flee?
“Two accounts from the missionary service of the Apostle Paul reinforce a conclusion from sacred history that the decision to flee is unique to each person and situation.” - P&D
Can We Hack Humans?
“Though new insight on technology may have helped Harari sell interesting books, dreaming of a world stripped of all values is as old as modernism itself. Had someone given him a copy of Lewis’ The Abolition of Man, he may have seen his exact premise tackled by an Oxford don nearly 80 years ago.” - Breakpoint
Help! I Don’t Feel like My Work Is Meaningful
“…we more often feel as if work is toilsome, pointless, and fruitless, as if the ground is bearing thorns and thistles just for us. We often believe Genesis 2 while feeling Genesis 3.” - TGC
Do Exodus 22 and Numbers 5 Allow Abortion?
“Brian Bolton, in an article for Freedom from Religion Foundation, seeks to make a case from the Old Testament that the scriptures allow abortion. He does violence to the biblical text in order to make his case and it is important that we debunk such misuse of scripture.” - P&D
The Biggest Thing that Helped Me Forgive, + 4 Posts about Forgiveness
“While coming to that recognition did not immediately heal the wounds, it was a huge step in the right direction…. No longer did I have to live in bondage to my hard feelings.” - Chuck Lawless
The Six Laws of Technology
“This was Kranzberg’s first law …. He understood that the impact of a technology would be determined by its geographic and cultural context. This means it can often be good and bad at the same time.” - C.Leaders
Repairing the Hole in Our Logic
“Sin has distorted all of God’s good gifts, including our intellectual faculties, so these must be sharpened and refined in the sanctification process lest we fail to comprehend and transmit God’s Word accurately. Restoring our reason is a requirement for the Christian life.” - Ken Brown
First Principles: 25 Myths about Thomas Aquinas
“… following the example of my Protestant forefathers, such disagreements do not keep me from recognizing Thomas as a beacon of orthodoxy and fountain of inquisitive acumen from which I can and should benefit.” - Credo
Is There a Gift of Singleness?
The tendency among young men and women to delay marriage (or even to abandon it entirely) in contemporary Western society has given birth to a curiously parallel increase of interest in Paul’s passing comment in 1 Corinthians 7:6–9 about his own marital state and implication that there is a “gift of singleness” to be had and even sought in the modern church. Note the full pericope in question:
Textual Confidence Collective: A video and audio podcast about the trustworthiness of the Bible
What Is “Fundamentalism?” A Personal and Professional Perspective
“A problem was that these 1920s through 1950s American fundamentalists could not get together under one umbrella. And they became increasingly narrow, dogmatic, anti-intellectual, separatistic and suspicious even of each other—as to degrees of influence by liberal thought.” - Roger Olson
Envy and the Megachurch
“There is nothing inherently good or evil about church size. It is the coveting of size and status that is the wellspring of evil. The underlying deception is that godliness is a means of gain.” - Ref21
Gallup: Fewer in U.S. Now See Bible as Literal Word of God
“A record-low 20% of Americans now say the Bible is the literal word of God…. a new high of 29% say the Bible is a collection of ‘fables, legends, history and moral precepts recorded by man.’” - Gallup
Faithfulness Is the Future of the Church
“Christians are faced with a situation that has perhaps not been seen widely in the West since the fourth century: To be both a good church member and a good citizen has become increasingly difficult. Difficult choices will have to be made in the coming years.” - Carl Trueman
South African Satanic Church co-founder steps down after experiencing the love of Christ
“To show someone love is everything. It is not a simple thing. You have showed me everything. You have showed me the love of Christ. I have seen it in you” - CPost
Pew: Attitudes about transgender issues vary widely among Christians, religious ‘nones’ in U.S.
“Among U.S. adults overall, six-in-ten now say that whether a person is a man or a woman is determined by their sex assigned at birth. … among White evangelicals (87%) and Black Protestants (70%). Among Catholics, the share who say a person’s gender cannot differ from sex at birth has risen from 52% in 2021 to 62% this year.” - Pew
In Campaign Ad, Pastor Running for Congress Features AR-15, Depicts Democrats as Klansmen Coming to Lynch Him
“Running to represent a district of Arizona …the main issues Davison is addressing with his campaign are education, free speech on the internet and social media, and election integrity.” - C.Leaders
Our Amazing Ability to Communicate
I am truly amazed when I consider how blessed we are in our ability to communicate the gospel and Biblical truth in our ministries today.
I am even more astonished when I think about how far the Lord has brought us, personally, in this regard, in just three-and-a-half years with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry.
Of course, in a perfect world, we would have had everything we are doing now all laid out ahead of time—planned, prepared, produced and ready to unveil before we ever stepped into our first ministry assignment.
Life and ministry, however, are never perfect. We learn by doing. We grow as we are able, as we go—sometimes even as we are stretched.
America Has Endured 309 Mass Shootings So Far This Year
“A tally from the Gun Violence Archive found that there have been 309 mass shootings on U.S. soil since the year began, averaging out to around 11 per week.” - Relevant
SBC President Bart Barber looking for people with 'sense of rightness' to serve on new task force
During a recent podcast, Barber expressed his thoughts on staffing the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force - C.Index
A Little Help for Your Charitableness from Kevin DeYoung
“In any case, the person you think is ‘playing politics’ may actually be trying to show respect to friendships he’s had for forty years. At least consider this option before you blast away.” - Mark Ward
Kids Belong to their Families, not to the State
“Last year, a coalition of organizations, including the Alliance Defending Freedom, Family Policy Alliance, Colson Center, and the Heritage Foundation, teamed up to issue a Promise to America’s Children…. Today, we join again, this time to issue a Promise to America’s Parents.” - Breakpoint