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Jesus Teaches the Old Testament, Part 4: Midrash in the Gospels

Ed Vasicek ⁃

Read the series.

In my previous article, I mentioned how my specific use of the term “midrash” is one possible strand of meaning for this multi-stranded term. I use the term to refer to a New Testament midrash that I consider an elaboration of an Old Testament text. That’s it. I refer to the Old Testament text as the “mother text.” The mother text plus its New Testament midrash equals a couplet.

In the world of Biblical academics, however, the term “midrash” can mean several different things. Jacob Neusner clarifies what midrash could mean:

The word “midrash” is generally used in three senses:

"Certainty That You Are Not Mistaken" - Message on Matthew 22:29

RajeshG ⁃

Pastor Mark Minnick preached a superb message tonight on Matthew 22:29 that profoundly helps to explain where so many of our problems among God's people in our day stem from and why there is so much disunity in the body of Christ.

Matthew 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

Certainty That You Are Not Mistaken

Pew: Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years

SI Filings ⁃

“In 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic, there were 1,732 gun deaths among U.S. children and teens under the age of 18. By 2021, that figure had increased to 2,590.” - Pew

Fragment of a 1,750-year-old New Testament translation discovered

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“Grigory Kessel discovered one of the earliest translations of the Gospels, made in the 3rd century and copied in the 6th century, on individual surviving pages of this manuscript.” - Phys.org

Is Social Science ‘Science’?

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“Jason Blakely is professor of political science at Pepperdine University and has written a book, We Built Reality: How Social Science Infiltrated Culture, Politics, and Power, that is likely to perturb some, gratify others, but interest almost everyone.” - Acton

Civil suit claiming defamation and negligence by Southwestern and Paige Patterson dismissed

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“Both Roe’s claims of negligence and defamation were dismissed with prejudice meaning Roe cannot refile the claims, however an appeal on the ruling is likely, according to Roe’s lawyer, Sheila Haddock.” - BPNews

Revealed in the Upper Room: The Holy Spirit and the New Testament

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

Read Part 1, and Part 2.

As Jesus taught His disciples in the Upper Room on the night before His death, He addressed them in light of their collective position as “the foundation” (Eph. 2:20) for the forthcoming church.

The church age would begin on a specific “day” (John 14:20) which, we know, would occur on Pentecost Sunday. Once this age began, these men would bear the responsibility of leading a worldwide evangelistic and teaching ministry.

Good Friday from 5 Angles

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“God’s perspective, Christ’s perspective, Satan’s perspective, sin’s perspective, and our perspective.” - D.A. Carson

Did Jesus Rise From the Dead? Three Historical Facts (+ Four Explanations That Don’t Work)

SI Filings ⁃

“What are the facts that require explanation? Which explanation best accounts for these facts?

These two videos from William Lane Craig’s ministry, Reasonable Faith, provide an overview of answers to each.” - TGC

How Johnny Hart Taught Millions About Easter in the Sunday Funny Papers

SI Filings ⁃

“his most controversial strip was published on Easter of 2001…. The final panel portrays a trail of blood from the cross to the empty tomb, with the stone rolled away revealing the Lord’s table arranged inside.” - Breakpoint

Tremors in a 'fundamentalist' empire: What kind of news story is unfolding at Bob Jones U?

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“What does the university say today? That’s an essential question when covering this story. There have been quite a few changes at BJU, which may be what this power struggle is all about.” - GetReligion

Idaho, Indiana Governors Sign Bills Prohibiting Gender-Reassignment Surgeries for Minors

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“The Indiana and Idaho chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have since filed lawsuits challenging their respective new state laws.” - N.Review

Most Americans say Jesus’ resurrection happened, but many don't see why it matters

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“Two-thirds of U.S. adults (66%) … believe this event actually occurred…. Fewer than a quarter (23%) disagree, and 11% say they’re not sure.” - Lifeway

What Is Maundy Thursday?

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“The word Maundy comes from the Latin word mandatum, which, in English, simply means ‘mandate.’ In the upper room (John 13–17), Jesus gave His disciples the new commandment (i.e., the new mandate) after washing their feet.” - Ligonier

Does Your Surgeon Need to Be a Christian?

SI Filings ⁃

“God’s common grace mitigates the effects of sin that would otherwise overwhelm and direct the use of unbelievers’ abilities. Instead, these are often used for human flourishing and we all benefit.” - Ken Brown

SBC's Abuse Reform and Implementation Task Force pivots, moves away from Guidepost Solutions

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“they will ‘consider alternative pathways (dividing the work among smaller firms which share [Southern Baptists’] values) to establish and maintain the Ministry Check website.’” - BPNews

Probably not unrelated… Florida Baptists Will Withhold Part of Their Giving to the Cooperative Program If SBC Does Not Cut Ties With Guidepost Solutions - C.Leaders

New research shows even moderate drinking isn't good for your health

SI Filings ⁃

“The analysis…. found not only no significant health benefit to moderate alcohol consumption, but also that drinking a daily serving of alcohol of less than 1 ounce for women and around 1.5 ounces for men increased the risk of death.” - GMA

Calm down folks, ChatGPT isn't actually an artificial intelligence

SI Filings ⁃

“Even before ChatGPT, chatbots were well on their way to passing the Turing test as commonly understood….But Turing would not have seen a chatbot as an artificial mind equal to that of a human.” - Tech Radar

Gospel-Grace-Glory: An Examination of G3 Ministries

Guest ⁃

By Jonathan W. Peters


Josh Buice, pastor of Pray’s Mill Baptist Church in Douglasville, GA, started the G3 (Gospel-Grace-Glory) Conference in 2013 to assist local church pastors. Buice intended this theology conference to “focus on God’s Word as opposed to the pragmatism and techniques that are so often the focus of evangelical conferences.”

“The more confident we are in our positions, the more compassionate we can be to people”

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“We can hold our positions without being defensive or attacking others because we are secure and convinced. The retorts thrown our way don’t rattle us and we can answer with gentleness. We can hold to the truth without wondering if being kind and loving to others is somehow violating our convictions.” - Eric Geiger

Reading Resurrection in the Book of Nature

SI Filings ⁃

“When you lay your head on your pillow every night, it’s as if you become ‘dead to the world.’ …you’re even lying flat and still on your back, eyes closed in a corpse-like posture. Then comes the morning.” - TGC

Do Your Political Beliefs Affect Your Parenting?

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“I’m seeing a growing number of parents like the mom I just described—parents who truly believe that it’s virtuous to let the kid be in charge, even when the kid is a six 6-year-old with a fever who is refusing to let the doctor look at her throat.” - IFS

Joe Rigney, Bethlehem Seminary president, resigns due to support of Christian nationalism and infant baptism

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“Rigney has long been considered controversial for his views on empathy and for his relationship with Idaho pastor Doug Wilson.” - RNS

“That’s just your interpretation”

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“I tried to show him that Jesus taught as if there was a discernible meaning in Scripture that could be known, agreed upon, and meaningfully communicated. He replied that this was only my interpretation.” - DeYoung

Overcoming Compassion Fatigue in Ministry, Part 2

Dean Taylor ⁃

Read Part 1.

Scriptural Solutions for Compassion Fatigue

The pastor who recognizes compassion fatigue can experience recovery and renewal by meditating on these biblical realities.

New question in the worship wars: Why have many worshippers stopped singing in church?

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“…he supports church musicians seeking excellence in everything they do… contemporary songs and technology that improve worship, as opposed to creating a ‘concert’ environment that separates stage performers from the congregation.” - GetReligion

Tim Keller's sermons now available free

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“Kathy and I are so happy to tell you that today you’ll find that we’ve made all our sermons and talks available for free on Gospel in Life…. Later this year we plan to launch a new website which will make it easier to find and listen to sermons” - Keller

Pew: By more than two-to-one, Americans support U.S. government banning TikTok

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“More than twice as many Americans support the U.S. government banning TikTok as oppose it (50% vs. 22%), though a sizable share (28%) are not sure” - Pew

Liberty University named its new president on Friday: Dondi E. Costin

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“Costin’s appointment represents the first time the school hasn’t had someone named Jerry at the helm, as he succeeds interim president and longtime board chair Jerry Prevo and the two Jerry Falwells before him.” - CToday

The Gospel Coalition names interim president

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“The Board has appointed Sandy Willson as interim president of The Gospel Coalition, and he will lead TGC while the Board launches a national search for the next TGC president.” - BPNews