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Why We Shouldn’t Ban the Teaching of Bad Ideas

SI Filings ⁃

“Tennessee lawmakers have introduced a list of ‘divisive concepts,’ which, under a law passed last year, are prohibited from being taught on college campuses. …Especially at the college level, we need more discussion and serious debate of ideas, not less.” - Breakpoint

A fragment with the oldest Syriac translation of the New Testament discovered

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“A researcher from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, with the help of ultraviolet photography, was able to discover a small manuscript fragment of a Syriac translation written in the 3rd century and copied in the 6th century.” - Arkeonews

Our Worship Is Turning Praise into Secular Profit

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“With corporate consolidation in worship music, more entities are invested in the songs sung on Sunday mornings. How will their financial incentives shape the church?” - CToday

Ron Hamilton, musician known for ‘Patch the Pirate,’ is with the Lord

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“Ron Hamilton, a Christian singer, musician, voice actor and performer best known for his ‘Patch the Pirate’ character of Christian children’s entertainment fame, has died after a battle with dementia. He was 72 years old.” - CPost

More Than 7,000 Remain!

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

My journey with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry took me to Kansas this past weekend, to speak four times at a church in Salina.

I have now spoken on behalf of The Friends of Israel upon the soil of the following 12 states: California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas and Wisconsin. Later this year, Lord willing, I will add Missouri and Wyoming to the list—along with the nation of Israel!

I’ve also exhibited at conferences in two other states: Nebraska and New Mexico. Kentucky will join that group in June of this year. I also have plans to be in New York and Pennsylvania on our Christian Leaders’ Encounter trip.

Radical Christian Gentleness in an Era of Addictive Outrage

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“In a striking, but too often neglected, passage in Religious Affections, Edwards insists an essential trait of any true Christian is ‘the lamblike, dovelike spirit and temper of Jesus Christ.’ He presents this point as nothing less than a fundamental of the faith.” - TGC

Proclaim & Defend has launched a podcast

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“The format of the podcast will mostly be interviews with authors of our FrontLine articles…. Giving them an additional voice to expand on their topic is what our podcast is all about.” - P&D

The Satan Hypothesis: Is Satan responsible for natural disasters and animal suffering?

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“For the [Satan Hypothesis] to work, Satan and his demons must freely alter the physical realm using their own intrinsic powers supplied at their creative inception. In other words, they must be able to ‘push’ physical things around, without requiring God’s direct authority and supernatural power.” - Ken Coulson

Barna: 60% of pastors enjoy preaching and teaching more than other work

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“When asked what they liked about being a pastor, respondents overwhelmingly highlight preaching and teaching…in a distant second place is discipling believers, with 8 percent.” - Barna

Understanding Ex-Christian America: Another Look at Stephen Bullivant’s Book

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“Among younger adults, for every one person who goes from religiously unaffiliated to affiliating with a religion, there are five people who switch in the opposite direction, toward no religion.” - Public Discourse

The Journey from Fear to Grace: A Review of Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Becoming Free Indeed

C. D. Cauthorne Jr. ⁃

“The Christian life was a treadmill, and I was constantly picking up the pace, pushing myself harder and harder. But like a treadmill, there was no destination, no arrival point that signaled the end of all that pushing. There was just … effort.” (116)

With these words Jinger Duggar Vuolo summarizes, in her new book Becoming Free Indeed, what life was like growing up in a family that adhered to the teachings of Bill Gothard.

Insights from Churches about the Recent Easter Weekend

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“1. A surprising number of unchurched persons attended Good Friday services…. 2. There seems to be a greater spiritual hunger in the communities the churches serve…. 3. Simplicity was effective and appropriate.” - Thom Rainer

4 Benefits of Developing Position Papers in a Ministry Context

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“Throughout 2022, I led our church staff and elders through an intentional process of ensuring our positions on several topics and cultural issues were documented for the sake of consistency and clarity.” - Eric Geiger

What "One Flesh" means

Dan Miller ⁃

I’ve been asking for a while, what does “one flesh” mean?

Here’s a nice attempt to study it:


Paul Tripp said, “Now, it’s not enough to say that that’s what it’s about because that depth of intimacy, with all of its tenderness and with all of its needed protection and all of its mutual serving love, is only possible because there is a deep abiding relational unity that that couple has.” Paul Tripp (https://www.paultripp.com/ask-paul-tripp/posts/what-does-it-mean-to-be-one-flesh)

Supreme Court conservatives seem divided in major religion case

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“Justice Brett Kavanaugh focused on the language in the court’s 1977 decision that said an employer would suffer an undue hardship…. That, he suggested, seems to be what happened in Groff’s small postal office when he refused to work Sundays or religious holidays.” - NPR


Fox News: “We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false.”

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“The 11th-hour settlement protects Fox executives from having to possibly testify in court about their role in the network’s airing of 2020 election lies.” - Axios


Died: Charles Stanley, In Touch Preacher Who Led with Stubborn Faith

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“The longtime pastor and oft-praised preacher, who died on Tuesday at age 90, fought hard to lead in his Southern Baptist congregation, earning him a reputation for faithful obstinacy” - CToday

3 reasons to require sexual abuse awareness training

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“April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month…. Sexual abuse awareness training is a foundational component of onboarding new staff and volunteers who will have access to children, youth, and vulnerable adults.” - BPNews

How to Know If It’s Time to Leave Pastoral Ministry

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The Gospel Coalition asked three former pastors—all of whom now teach or counsel pastors—for their best advice.

How Can We Avoid Becoming Cynics Toward the Cynicism and Negativity on Social Media and in the Body of Christ?

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“…if I find social media that refreshes me, as I sometimes do, I go for it. If it just drains and discourages or irritates me, I need to stay away.” - Randy Alcorn

ERLC President, Covenant Parent Urges Tennessee to Pass Proposed Gun Reform

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“Southern Baptist leader Brent Leatherwood calls on the state to ‘restrain evil’ through Governor Lee’s plan to keep weapons from those deemed a threat to themselves or others.” - CToday

Intentionality in Leadership Development, Part 2

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By Paul Barreca. Read Part 1.

Seek Seekers

In 2 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul instructed Timothy to entrust the truths that had been taught by Paul and other spiritual leaders to “faithful men.” Finding these men is a vital part of an intentional plan to train men for ministry. Which men are to be trained? Jesus and Paul provide an example.

At the first call of the disciples at the Jordan (Jn 1:35-51), Jesus called spiritual seekers who had journeyed into the wil­derness to hear the preaching of John the Baptist. Before Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathanael were called by Christ, they were disciples of John.

Albert Mohler Hospitalized After Blood Clots Form in Both Lungs

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“He is receiving excellent care and is responding well to treatment. He looks forward to returning to a full schedule…” - CLeaders

Yom HaShoah grieves murder of 6 million Jews, honors survivors, rescuers

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“ ‘It’s too heartbreaking, I think. It’s very hard,’ Worshill told Baptist Press as Israel marks Yom HaShoah beginning this evening (April 17). ‘It’s a whole side of the family that basically doesn’t exist anymore because they were killed in the camps, or killed in the resistance.’” - BPNews

Why We Shouldn’t Gloat When Leaders Fall

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“there’s a difference between gloating, that is, rejoicing at the misfortune of others, and rejoicing at God overcoming evil.” - TGC

As Chasm Widens, Traditional Anglicans Plot Faithful Future

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“Faithful Anglicans from around the world gather… for the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON), a renewal movement within the family of churches descended from the missionary activities of the Church of England.” - Juicy Ecumenism

Americans worry that religious institutions are watering down, abandoning traditional beliefs: survey

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“Among the groups with concerns that religious institutions are watering down or abandoning their traditional beliefs, 52% of Evangelical Christians strongly believed that this is the case. Thirty percent of Protestants, 41% of Jews, and 34% of Catholics” - CPost

The Whale and the Cow: Surprising Mercy in Jonah’s Story

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“If Jonah is right to have compassion on the plant, is not the Lord’s right to have compassion on a city of more than 120,000 people, along with much cattle? Now, with the context settled, we can get back to our question: Why does the Lord mention cattle?” - Desiring God

Intentionality in Leadership Development, Part 1

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By Paul Barreca

“And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” (2Ti 2:2)

How does the church train the “faithful men” destined to be the next generation of pastors, evangelists, elders, deacons, and ministry leaders? It will require more than asking men to attend church services. There must be intentionality if church leaders want to see new generations of godly leaders equipped for ministry.

Court Vindicates Dr. Paige Patterson’s Handling of Alleged Rape Case

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“Roe’s assertion that women who tried to report sexual harassment and sexual abuse were ignored, dismissed or disciplined themselves is a gross distortion of the evidence before the Court.” - Ronnie W. Rogers