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On Tucker Carlson and the Fear of Being Replaced

SI Filings ⁃

“Originating on the white nationalist fringes, the ‘great replacement theory’ holds that ‘globalist’ elites are seeking to replace white Americans with Black and brown immigrants from around the world.” - Russell Moore

Christian alternative to Boy Scouts gets 1,000th Troop: 'Campaign to rescue America’s boys’

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“ ‘Every new Troop means boys are being impacted by our Christ-centered, boy-focused approach to building Godly men,’ said Hancock.” - CPost

What Does It Profit? Gambling and the Christian Tradition

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“While nothing like a sports betting app on a cellphone could be imagined by the moral theologians of previous centuries, the wisdom of Christian moral reflection on gambling does have some significant lessons to teach us” - Acton

PCUSA reports another year in declining membership, churches

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“The largest Presbyterian denomination in the U.S. continued its downward trend as it hemorrhaged more than 100 churches and 53,000 members while losing 285 ministers last year, according to statistics released this week.” - Fox

Also: Presbyterian Church (USA) Membership Drops, Stated Clerk Departs Early - Juicy Ecumenism

Bipartisan Legislation on Kids and Tech Gains Momentum in Congress

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“…the Protecting Kids on Social Media Act—is notable for its willingness to abandon the familiar territory each side has tended to favor. And it builds on the momentum of a recently reintroduced bill that sports a bevy of sponsors from various political factions.” - IFS

When Good Men Part Ways

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“While the reasons for the above breaks in fellowship vary, what is common among them is a mutual love and respect for the other, even after the separation occurs. Let this instruct us as Christians today who are often trigger happy to assign blame, take sides, and form coalitions against one another.” - P&D

Are some human rights more important than others? Religious freedom advocates often put it first

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“Underlying many debates about how courts and policies treat religion… Is any human right – religious freedom in particular – more important than another? And what happens when human rights claims come into conflict?” - The Conversation

Reflections of a stay-at-home dad

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“it is not what American culture expects of me, especially as a conservative man who might be thought to revere the mid-century family model of a working father and stay-at-home mother.” - CPost

Ten Diagnostic Questions for the Potential Ideologue

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“1. Do you present opposing viewpoints in ways that your opponent would agree with?… 2. Do you resort to personal attacks…3. Are you able to assume the best about someone else’s approach even if you disagree with their conclusions?” - 9 Marks

The Lost Priority of Leadership Training

M.R. Conrad ⁃

Evangelize, disciple, and train leaders—these are the priorities of missionaries serving in foreign countries.

Evangelize and disciple—these are the priorities of pastors serving in the U.S. If a new pastor is needed, the church rarely looks within, nor can they because no one is ready to step into the shepherding role. A local church must hire its next pastor from another church or out of seminary.

MR Conrad Bio

SharperIron ⁃

Dr. Conrad serves in urban Asia. He, his wife, and their four children squeeze into a 700 square-foot apartment where he seizes rare moments of quiet to write amidst homeschooling, a cacophony of musical instruments, and the steady stream of visitors they so enjoy having in their home. He enjoys birding, board games, and basketball. He is the author of, so far, two books.

Rooted Thinking Articles

SharperIron ⁃

Reposted from Rooted Thinking.

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy fights America's loneliness epidemic

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“U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy wants the nation to see loneliness as one of the top health challenges, issuing an advisory warning on Tuesday about what he sees as a threat to Americans’ health and well-being.” - Axios

Among protestant Christians, who tithes the most?

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“Baptist (40%), Presbyterian/Reformed (34%) and non-denominational (34%) churches were more likely to give 10% of their income than members of Lutheran (19%), Restorationist Movement (17%) and Methodist churches (12%).” - CPost

P&D Podcast: Should We Heal or Pray? A Defense of Modern Medicine

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“We had an interesting conversation about his article which surveyed the history of Christian attitudes towards medicine and its practice….What should we think about medicine from a Christian point of view?” - P&D

Religious Freedom Violations Go West

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“While longstanding offenders in Asia and the Middle East remain epicenters of persecution, Latin America and Europe occupy more space in an annual chronicle by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom.” - CToday

See the report

How can pastors equip their people to think about cultural issues and live out the mission of God in the public square?

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“When it comes to being equipped on how to steward their citizenship, there is often little theological reflection. As a result, the public theology of God’s people is formed by other voices throughout the week, from social media to pundits to politicians.” - Daniel Darling

Is a “Surge of Faith” Happening With Younger Americans?

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“According to The Wall Street Journal, recent polling data shows a ‘Surprising surge of faith among young people.’” - Breakpoint

Latest 9 Marks Journal focuses on relationship between church and government

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Much of the issue targets Christian authoritarianism, theonomy, and Christian nationalism - 9 Marks

Jared Wellman vote fails; SBC Executive Committee to start new presidential search

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“With 81 votes cast, Wellman, an SBC insider who most recently served as chairman of the Executive Committee, lost 50-31, forcing the appointment of a new search committee to begin the process anew.” - C.Index

Pro-Trump pastors rebuked for ‘overt embrace of white Christian nationalism’

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“The Oklahoma-based evangelical pastor and businessman Jackson Lahmeyer leads the fledgling Pastors for Trump organization. Lahmeyer told the Guardian it boasts over 7,000 pastors as members” - The Guardian

In Context: The Disciple and His Rabbi: Discipleship in the Original Jewish Context, Part 1

Ed Vasicek ⁃

Read the series.

Understanding the relationship of rabbi to disciple – and what discipleship entailed – will help us to better understand Jesus’ teachings because they help us better understand the teacher (Jesus) and His most frequent audience (the disciples).

Surprisingly, there was nothing mysterious about men leaving their businesses and families for days, weeks, or months to journey with a rabbi who roamed the countryside, teaching. Yeshua was one of hundreds of first-century rabbis who roamed the countryside, each with his band of disciples. The Jewish society nurtured and celebrated discipleship.1

The Future of Pro-Abortion Arguments: Will “Viability” Become Moot?

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“Historically, it has been argued that viability is a factor in determining the moral status of abortion. Ectogenesis makes it so that all fetuses are viable.” - DBTS Blog

Naturalism Is a Failed Worldview

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“This brief presentation of evidence and reasoning contradicts six [naturalist] affirmations while affirming the Christian theist worldview. How many strikes must naturalism be afforded before it is ruled out as a viable worldview?” - Reasons

Should Christian Homes, Schools, and Churches Have a Gender Curriculum?

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“We must be more purposeful about this than ever before. It must be instruction that is Bible-based and does not follow the extremes or errors of popular culture.” - P&D

“30 years ago this week... something called the World Wide Web launched into the public domain. ”

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“Anyone could build their own “web site” with pictures, video and sound. They could even send visitors to other sites using hyperlinked words or phrases underlined in blue.” - NPR

On Two Ladies and Their Two Jerusalems

TylerR ⁃

Henry Knox personifies the perennial American virtues of dependability and ingenuity.1 He was George Washington’s chief artillery commander during much of the Revolutionary War. Knox was nobody’s version of a dashing soldier. A 1784 portrait shows a chubby, round-faced man with at least two chins. His shoulders slope downward as if he’s slouching for the portrait—one can just imagine the belly that must be there, despite being over six feet tall.

Even moderate alcohol use reduces ability to think ahead

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“Even a moderate level of intoxication impairs the ability to use episodic foresight in a functionally adaptive way.” - Journal of Psychopharmacology

One in Four Pastors Plan to Retire Before 2030

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“The graying of America’s pastors isn’t a new phenomenon, but it has become more pronounced. In 2022, just 16 percent of Protestant senior pastors were 40 years old or younger.” - C.Today