Lawsuit: Government negligent in Texas church massacre


“A family that lost several relatives during a mass shooting at a Texas church says the federal government was negligent by failing to report the gunman’s criminal information to a national database, according to a lawsuit filed this week.” RNS


Moral bar slipping in U.S., Gallup poll finds


“67 percent approve of homosexuality, compared to 40 percent in 2001; 69 percent approve of premarital sex, compared to 53 percent in 2001; 76 percent of Americans say divorce is morally acceptable, compared to 59 percent in 2001; and 65 percent of Americans approve of childbirth outside of marriage, compared to 45 percent in 2002 when Gallup added the practice to its poll.” BPNews


The Great Pop Culture War


“Having lost so many cultural battles, the right has developed a desperate attraction to celebrity ephemera, confusing an epiphenomenon of progressivism’s cultural advantage — the fact that most famous artists and actors are left-wing — with the institutional advantage itself.” NY Times


Louisiana governor signs measure to ban abortion after 15 weeks


“Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards signed a bill Wednesday banning abortions after 15 weeks… . The bill is now law, but will not go into effect unless the US District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi upholds a similar ban in Mississippi.” Jurist
