New rule would cut Title X Planned Parenthood funds


“Southern Baptist ethicist Russell Moore and other pro-life leaders applauded news that the Trump administration will propose a new rule that would eliminate family planning funds for abortion giant Planned Parenthood.” BPNews


Royal wedding 2018: Bishop Michael Curry's speech in full


“Someone once said that Jesus began the most revolutionary movement in human history. A movement grounded in the unconditional love of God for the world - and a movement mandating people to live that love, and in so doing to change not only their lives but the very life of the world itself.” - BBC News


California judge overturns physician aid-in-dying law


“Judge Daniel Ottolia, of Riverside County Superior Court, ruled against California’s End of Life Option Act on Tuesday, which allowed physicians to prescribe life-ending drugs to terminally ill patients. The suit was brought by the Life Legal Defense Foundation, a Christian legal organization that opposes abortion and assisted suicide.” Jurist


The Push Is on For Elderly Assisted Suicide


“The assisted suicide in Switzerland of the aged scientist David Goodall — and the media swoon over the event — has pushed the assisted-suicide advocacy envelope beyond the dying to the elderly.” National Review
