How Did America Become a Nation of Slobs?


“What does our own sloppy dress tell us about ourselves? Are we too pressed for time to dress a little up rather than way down? Are we rebelling against the idea of beauty and culture? Or are we just too lazy to pull on a pair of slacks instead of wearing the sweats we slept in?” Intellectual Takeout


Is it right to separate children from parents over immigration?

Politics are not really my forte. But, whether we love politics or no, sometimes political issues are also moral, ethical, or humane matters. In those arenas, Christians generally have deeper convictions.

So, when we deal with “Is it right?” we are not asking “Is it legal.” It very likely is legal.

We are asking at least one of these questions: Is it morally right? Are the consequences to the innocent too great? Is it prudent? Does it properly balance love and justice?


Incredibles 2, Equality, and Fathers


“[M]any movies will express the importance of women being treated as equals but do so by making the men look foolish.” AiG


Pew: Most Americans Can’t Tell Fact From Opinion


“The adults polled were presented with ten news-related statements, five that were demonstrably true or false and five that were opinions. Two ‘borderline’ statements were also presented. Only 26 percent of the adults polled recognized all five of the factual statements as such. About 35 percent recognized all of the opinion statements as opinion.” NReview


Texas Republican Party Endorses Marijuana Decriminalization


“Delegates at the Republican Party of Texas convention on Saturday voted to approve platform planks endorsing marijuana decriminalization, medical cannabis and industrial hemp. They are also calling for a change in cannabis’s classification by the federal government.” - Forbes
