5 facts about the U.S. Constitution


Sept. 17 was Constitution Day… “2. The three-fifths compromise did not come about because the Founding Fathers considered African-Americans ‘three-fifths of a person,’ as NPR has asserted (at your expense). … Northern states wanted to exclude all slaves from population totals – to reduce the political power of slave states.” - Acton


5 incredible revelations from this week’s abortion hearing in California


Planned Parenthood sued the makers of videos showing their personnel selling the “tissue” of aborted babies… “While the trial hasn’t started yet, this whole legal process has proved to be a huge mistake for Planned Parenthood, as it has already produced one insanely embarrassing revelation after another for them.


Is faith in politics “another Gospel”?


“[T]o have a God is nothing else than to trust and believe Him from the [whole] heart,” Luther said. “That now, I say, upon which you set your heart and put your trust is properly your god.” - Acton (Gene Veith)


Are Christians in a culture war, and if so, what should they do about it?


“Overall, Cultural Engagement is aptly named; it is a compelling crash course in contemporary issues, sharing voices from many well-known leaders in Christian communities. Prior and Chatraw do an excellent job of explaining the teaching around certain issues but letting Christians differ in good faith.


From Sussex, England, to New England, Gender Activists Are Losing


“This week, approximately 150 parents and pupils (mostly girls, the footage suggests) staged a protest against enforced ‘gender neutral’ uniforms outside a high school in Sussex, England. Piers Morgan, the presenter of Good Morning Britain, who attended the school in question, tweeted, ‘The protesting parents & students have my full support. This whole gender neutral craze is out of control.
