The National Abortion Federation just named an Episcopal priest as its new head.


The national director of Priests for Life and president of the National Pro-Life Religious Council: Reverend Katherine Hancock Ragsdale “led the ‘Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights’ (now the ‘Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice’), which actually provides rites of blessing for parents about to kill their children, and for the facilities in which the blood is shed.” -


Should social media companies be treated like publishers and broadcasters?


“A large newspaper can easily control their own writers and contributors. So, too, can a cable news channel or a network. But there is no practical way that a social media platform can exercise meaningful supervision over the material that billions of people could potentially share.” - Acton


Anti-Semitism in the US today is a variation on an old theme


“Senators Jacky Rosen and James Lankford, who describe themselves as ‘a practicing Jewish Democrat from Nevada and a devoted Christian Republican from Oklahoma,’ are spearheading a new effort to fight an old problem: anti-Semitism in America.” - RNS


Two Incompatible & Mutually Hostile Worldviews


“I’m not sure these researchers fully engage [the worldview concept] and the complexity that often arises. For example, is morality based on a transcendent absolute or do we make it up for ourselves? OK, we can see that social conservatives believe the former, while social liberals believe the latter. But…” - Gene Veith


Pro-Trump preachers on message against impeachment probe


“Evangelicals understand that the effort to impeach President Trump is really an effort to impeach our own deeply-held faith values, and we’re not going to allow that to happen,” Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, said Nov. 1 on Fox Business. “That’s why you’re getting such pushback to impeachment from his evangelical base.” - BNG


Bernie Sanders: ‘Thank God’ for capitalism


“Sanders’ statement takes on greater significance given the context of his interviewer’s question: Bernie Sanders credited capitalism with lifting 1.2 billion people out of extreme poverty.” - Acton
