George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation: What a Different Era


“When you read it, consider the tone, humility, and outlook of President George Washington and ask yourself if any of our current leaders match him. It is, for me, a breath of fresh air, a reminder that while our Founders had many sins, they were at the same time driven to seek the good, the true, and the beautiful.” - Intellectual Takeout


What Can We Learn from the Second Thanksgiving?


“Facing potential starvation, the colony abandoned their communal system. Each family was given their own land ….they alone were responsible for feeding themselves, taking to heart Paul’s admonition in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, ‘The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” This change brought dramatic results.’” - IFWE


Barna Research: Young Adults Feel Isolated and Anxious


“Only a third of young adults around the world say they often feel cared for by those around me (33%) and often feel someone believes in me (32%), according to a survey from Barna and World Vision of 18- to 35-year-olds from 25 countries.” - Facts & Trends


Appealing the Planned Parenthood case


“The Thomas More Society, which defended Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden, has announced its plans to appeal the court’s ruling in Planned Parenthood v. The Center for Medical Progress.


David French explains how Pete Buttigieg's Mainline Protestant faith differs from evangelical faith


“…the Mainline vision of salvation is alien to the Evangelical mind. Without diving in depth into each of the ‘Five Solas’ of the Reformation, most Evangelical Protestants understand salvation not through works of compassion but rather through faith alone, by the grace of God alone, working through the atoning sacrifice of Christ alone.” - The Dispatch


The Madness of Crowds


G.K. Chesterton once observed that the ‘special mark of the modern world is not that it is skeptical, but that it is dogmatic without knowing it.’ His point was that moderns have forgotten that they are assuming what they believe to be a given. ‘In short,’ he concludes, “they always have an unconscious dogma; and an unconscious dogma is the definition of a prejudice.” - Breakpoint
