The Manhattan Declaration: Ten Years Later


“The Manhattan Declaration outlined three issues that were under assault in American culture in 2009: the sanctity of every human life, the traditional biblical understanding of marriage and religious liberty for all people.


The Secular Religion of Socialism


“Joshua Muravchik’s Heaven on Earth gives one answer. A former socialist who abandoned the ideology in his 30s, Muravchik argues that we should understand the interest in socialized government, and the decline in nationalist sentiment, as a secular religion.” - Intellectual Takeout


Review: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood


“In this past decade I have been enthralled with such films as ‘The Tree of Life,’ ‘The Life of Pi,’ ‘Up,’ ‘Hugo,’ ‘War Horse’ and a few others, because they…contained a spiritual quality as well as an entertainment ‘wow’ factor. I wholeheartedly add both ‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor?’ and ‘A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’ to that august collection.” - BPNews
