Canadian Church of Atheism denied charitable status after court finds it's not a religion


“The Court of Appeal upheld the refusal by the minister of national revenue to register the Church of Atheism of Central Canada as a charity, even though it claimed to have a minister and sacred text called the ‘Ten Commandments of Energy,’ where they practiced their ‘doctrine of mainstream science.’ The court said the organization failed to demonstrate the necessary elements of a belief system.” - Fox


Manhattan Declaration – more necessary than ever?


“Early, the document acknowledges the signatories as “Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical Christians.” The disparities of belief among these groups display a wide divergence on crucial doctrines, but nonetheless the signatories willingly joined hands in identifying themselves as Christians.” - Don Johnson


The Disgraceful Campaign against the Salvation Army


“If you think that volunteering for an organization that is raising funds to provide food and housing, among many other services, for the needy is an inherently praiseworthy act, you haven’t been following the woke left-wing activists cutting a swath through American culture.” - National Review


What if we're all wrong about men?


“Men and women only win when both sexes are equally empowered. By bringing men down, men and women become embroiled in a tug-of-war…. This war exists because women don’t ‘get’ men.” - Suzanne Venker


What Are We to Make of Cultural Marxism?


“…some terms (especially if they accrue divisive political overtones) can become what the New Zealand philosopher, Jamie Whyte, has called “boo-hooray words”—words that provoke an almost visceral reaction of either disgust or delight, denunciation or celebration.


New report shows abortions continue to decline


“The number of abortions fell in one year by more than 13,000 to 623,471 in 2016, the latest year for which data is available, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in a Nov. 29 report.” - BPNews


‘Democratic socialist’ policies made the poor poorer: Study


“Christians who oppose government intervention are often accused of harboring indifference, or antipathy, for the poor. But an abundance of evidence from two continents shows that welfare state policies actually reduce the wealth of the poor and raise prices, while benefiting the upper-middle class and well-connected corporations at taxpayers’ expense.” - Acton


The Lord Hath Chosen... Donald Trump?


“Too many Christians who compare Trump to David seem to have forgotten the king who came before—and how his story has perhaps better parallels to our current age….King Saul’s rise and fall is an example of God granting his people what they want—and then making them endure many of the consequences of their own foolishness.” - The Dispatch
